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February 10, 1942 – present
Authorized Form of Name
Clarke, John, 1942-
John Clarke is a Professor of the Graduate School at University of California, Berkeley (2010-present). His research specialties include superconductivity and magnetometers. His other institutional affiliations include Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Cambridge University.
February 10, 1942Birth, Cambridge (England).
1964Obtained BA in Physics, Cambridge University, Cambridge (England).
1968Obtained MA and PhD in Physics, Cambridge University, Cambridge (England).
1968 – 1971Postdoctoral Fellow (1968-1969) and Assistant Professor of Physics (1969-1971), University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley (Calif.).
1969 – 2010Senior Faculty Scientist, Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley (Calif.).
1971 – presentAssociate Professor of Physics (1971-1973); Professor of Physics (1973-2010); Luis W. Alvarez Memorial Chair for Experimental Physics (1994-1999); and Professor of the Graduate School (2010-present), University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley (Calif.).
1972Visitor, H. C. Ørsted Institute (H.C. Ørsted institutet), Copenhagen.
1972Visitor, Cambridge University, Cambridge (England).
1978Visitor, University of Karlsruhe (Universität Karlsruhe).
1979Visitor, H. C. Ørsted Institute, Copenhagen.
1979Visitor, Cambridge University, Cambridge (England).
1982Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science.
1985Visitor, H. C. Ørsted Institute, Copenhagen.
1985Fellow, American Physical Society.
1986Fellow, Royal Society.
1986Visitor, Centre d'Études Nucléaires de Saclay.
1989Visiting Fellow, Clare Hall, Cambridge University, Cambridge (England).
1998By-Fellow, Churchill College, Cambridge University, Cambridge (England).
1998 – 2002Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect/Chair/Immediate Past Chair, Division of Condensed Matter Physics, American Physical Society.
1999Fellow, Institute of Physics.
2002 – 2006Member, Solid State Sciences Committee, National Research Council.
2003Obtained ScD in Physics, Cambridge University, Cambridge (England).
2009 – 2012150th Anniversary Visiting Professor, Chalmers University of Technology (Chalmers tekniska högskola).
2012Foreign Associate, National Academy of Sciences.
Experimental physicist.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Birge, Raymond T. (Raymond Thayer), 1887-
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Birgeneau, Robert J. (Robert Joseph), 1942-
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Clauser, John F. (John Francis), 1942-
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley.
Falicov, L. M. (Leopoldo Maximo), 1933-1995
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
Hahn, E. L. (Erwin Louis), 1921-
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Helmholz, August Carl, 1915-2003
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Jackson, John David, 1925-2016
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
Loeb, Leonard B. (Leonard Benedict), 1891-
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
McMillan, Edwin M. (Edwin Mattison), 1907-
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and University of California, Berkeley.
Poskanzer, A. M. (Arthur M.), 1931-
Both employed at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley.
Reynolds, John Hamilton, 1923-2000
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Richards, Paul L. (Paul Linford)
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Sessler, A. M. (Andrew Marienhoff)
Both employed at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Stephens, F. S. (Frank Samuel)
Both employed at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Chalmers tekniska högskola. Institutionen för teknisk fysik
150th Anniversary Visiting Professor.
Senior Faculty Scientist, Materials Sciences Division.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Senior Faculty Scientist, Materials Sciences Division.
Senior Faculty Scientist, Materials Sciences Division (Berkeley campus).
University of California, Berkeley. Department of Physics
Postdoctoral Fellow; Assistant Professor of Physics; Associate Professor of Physics; Professor of Physics; Luis W. Alvarez Memorial Chair for Experimental Physics; and Professor of the Graduate School.
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect/Chair/Immediate Past Chair, Division of Condensed Matter Physics.
Centre d'études nucléaires de Saclay
H. C. Ørsted institutet
Institute of Physics (Great Britain)
National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)
Foreign Associate.
National Research Council (U.S.)
Member, Solid State Sciences Committee.
Royal Society (Great Britain)
Universität Karlsruhe
University of Cambridge. Department of Physics
Obtained BA (1964), MA (1968), PhD (1968), and ScD (2003). Visitor; Visiting Fellow, Clare Hall; and By-Fellow, Churchill College.