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September 21, 1949 – present
Authorized Form of Name
Haxton, Wick C.
Wick C. Haxton is Professor of Physics at the University of California, Berkeley (2009-present). Other institutional affiliations include the University of Washington and Los Alamos National Laboratory. His research interests include neutrinos and low-energy tests of symmetries.
September 21, 1949Birth, Santa Cruz (Calif.).
1971Obtained BS, University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz (Calif.).
1973Obtained MS, Stanford University, Stanford (Calif.).
1975 – 1977Postdoctoral Research Associate, Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Mainz (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität).
1976Obtained PhD in Physics, Stanford University, Stanford (Calif.).
1977 – 1985Postdoctoral Staff Member, J. R. Oppenheimer Fellow and Staff Member, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos (N.M.).
1984 – 2009Associate Professor of Physics (1984-1987); Professor of Physics (1987-2009); Director, Institute for Nuclear Theory (1991-2006): and Adjunct Professor of Astronomy (1994-2009), University of Washington, Seattle (Wash.).
1987Fellow, American Physical Society.
1988Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science.
1989 – 1997Member, Executive Committee, Division of Nuclear Physics (1989-1994); Member, Council (1991-1995); Chair, Division of Nuclear Physics (1993); Member, Executive Committee, Division of Astrophysics (1994-1997); and Chair, Division of Astrophysics (1997), American Physical Society.
1993 – 1996Member, Advisory Board, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara.
1996 – 1998Member, Committee on Nuclear Physics, National Research Council.
1999Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
1999Member, National Academy of Sciences.
2001Visiting Miller Professor, University of California, Berkeley.
2004Awarded Hans A. Bethe Prize, American Physical Society.
2008Founding Class Member, Washington State Academy of Sciences.
2009 – presentProfessor of Physics, University of California, Berkeley.
2009 – presentSenior Faculty Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Donnelly, T. W. (T. William)
PhD advisor at Stanford University, "I. Solar neutrino cross sections for the mass-37 system. II. Semi-leptonic weak interactions in the 2S-1D shell. III. Semileptonic weak and electromagnetic interactions in the Goldhaber-Teller model."
Both employed at University of Washington.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Both employed at University of Washington.
Both employed at University of Washington.
Birgeneau, Robert J. (Robert Joseph), 1942-
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of Washington.
Both employed at University of Washington.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Edwards, David F. (David Franklin)
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Feigenbaum, Mitchell, 1944-2019
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Both employed at University of Washington.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of Washington.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Hahn, E. L. (Erwin Louis), 1921-
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of Washington.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Jackson, John David, 1925-2016
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Keyworth, George A., II, 1939-
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Neddermeyer, Seth H. (Seth Henry), 1907-1988
Both employed at University of Washington.
Nelson, Ann E. (Ann Elizabeth)
Both employed at University of Washington.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Richards, Paul L. (Paul Linford)
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Robertson, R. G. Hamish, 1943-
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and University of Washington.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of Washington.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of Washington.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Institute for Nuclear Theory (U.S.)
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Institute for Nuclear Physics.
Senior Faculty Scientist.
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Postdoctoral Staff Member, J. R. Oppenheimer Fellow and Staff Member.
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
Staff Member, Theoretical Physics and Fellow.
University of California, Berkeley. Department of Physics
Visiting Miller Professor and Professor of Physics.
University of Washington. Department of Astronomy
Adjunct Professor of Astronomy.
University of Washington. Department of Physics
Associate Professor of Physics and Professor of Physics.
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Fellow; received 2004 Hans A. Bethe Prize; Member, Executive Committee, Division of Nuclear Physics; Member, Council; Chair, Division of Nuclear Physics; Member, Executive Committee, Division of Astrophysics; and Chair, Division of Astrophysics.
National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)
National Research Council (U.S.)
Member, Committee on Nuclear Physics.
Stanford University. Department of Physics
Obtained MS (1973) and PhD (1976).
University of California, Santa Barbara. Institute for Theoretical Physics
Member, Advisory Board.
University of California, Santa Cruz
Obtained BS (1971).
Washington State Academy of Sciences
Founding Class Member.