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February 28, 1948 – present
Authorized Form of Name
Chu, Steven
Additional Forms of Names
Chu, Steven, 1948-
Zhu, Xi, 1948-
Steven Chu is the William R. Keenan, Jr. Professor of Humanities and Sciences at Stanford University (2013-present). He is a Nobel laureate and former United States Secretary of Energy. His research interests include the cooling and trapping of atoms with laser light, biofuels, and solar energy.
February 28, 1948Birth, Saint Louis (Mo.).
1970Obtained BS in Physics and BA in Mathematics, University of Rochester, Rochester (N.Y.).
1976Obtained PhD in Physics, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley (Calif.).
1976 – 1978 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley (Calif.).
1978 – 1987Member, Technical Staff (1978-1983) and Head, Quantum Electronics Research Division (1983-1987), Bell Laboratories.
1987Awarded Herbert P. Broida Prize, American Physical Society.
1987 – 2004Professor of Physics and Applied Physics (1987-1990); Chair, Department of Physics (1990-1993; 1999-2000); and Theodore and Frances Geballe Professor of Physics and Applied Physics (1990-2004), Stanford University, Stanford (Calif.).
1989 – 1990Chair, Division of Laser Science, American Physical Society.
1990Visiting Professor, Collège de France.
1990 – 1993Member, Physics Advisory Committee, National Science Foundation.
1992 – 1994Member, Committee on Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, National Academy of Sciences.
1993Member, National Academy of Sciences.
1993 – 1995Quantum Electronics Representative, International Union of Pure and Applied Scientists.
1994Awarded Arthur L. Schawlow Prize in Laser Science, American Physical Society.
1996 – 1999Member, Executive Committee, Board on Physics and Astronomy, National Academy of Sciences.
1997Received Nobel Prize in Physics with Claude Cohen-Tannoudji and William D. Phillips "for development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light".
1998Member, American Philosophical Society.
2004 – 2009Director, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley (Calif.).
2009 – 2013Secretary of Energy, United States Department of Energy, Washington (D.C.).
2013 – presentWilliam R. Keenan, Jr. Professor of Humanities and Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford (Calif.).
Applied physicist.
Applied physics and engineering.
Shared the 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics along with William D. Phillips "for development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light".
Phillips, William D. (William Daniel), 1948-
Shared the 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics along with Claude Cohen-Tannoudji "for development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light".
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Anderson, P. W. (Philip W.), 1923-
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Birge, Raymond T. (Raymond Thayer), 1887-
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Brinkman, William F. (William Frank), 1938-
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Stanford University and Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Byer, R. L. (Robert L.), 1942-
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Both employed at AT & T Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at AT & T Bell Laboratories.
Eisenstein, James P. (James Philip)
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Fairbank, William Martin, 1917-1989
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Falicov, L. M. (Leopoldo Maximo), 1933-1995
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Hahn, E. L. (Erwin Louis), 1921-
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at AT & T Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at AT & T Bell Laboratories.
Helmholz, August Carl, 1915-2003
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Jackson, John David, 1925-2016
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Loeb, Leonard B. (Leonard Benedict), 1891-
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Meyerhof, Walter E. (Walter Ernst), 1922-
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at AT & T Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Nelson, Ann E. (Ann Elizabeth)
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Both employed at Stanford University and Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Poskanzer, A. M. (Arthur M.), 1931-
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Reynolds, John Hamilton, 1923-2000
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Schawlow, Arthur L., 1921-1999
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Sessler, A. M. (Andrew Marienhoff)
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Stephens, F. S. (Frank Samuel)
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Member, Technical Staff and Head, Quantum Electronics Research Division.
Member, Technical Staff and Head, Quantum Electronics Research Division.
Collège de France
Visiting Professor.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Stanford University. Department of Applied Physics
Professor of Applied Physics and Theodore and Frances Geballe Professor of Applied Physics.
Stanford University. Department of Physics
Professor of Physics; Chair, Department of Physics; and Theodore and Frances Geballe Professor of Physics.
Stanford University. School of Humanities and Sciences
William R. Keenan, Jr. Professor of Humanities and Sciences.
United States. Department of Energy
Secretary of Energy.
University of California, Berkeley. Department of Physics
Obtained PhD (Physics) in 1976. Postdoctoral Research Fellow.
American Philosophical Society
Chair, Division of Laser Science; received 1987 Herbert P. Broida Prize and received 1994 Arthur L. Schawlow Prize in Laser Science.
National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)
Member; Member, Committee on Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics; and Member, Executive Committee, Board on Physics and Astronomy.
National Science Foundation (U.S.)
Member, Physics Advisory Committee.
University of Rochester. Department of Mathematics
Obtained BA in 1970.
University of Rochester. Department of Physics and Astronomy
Obtained BS (Physics) in 1970.
American Institute of Physics 75th anniversary symposium and convocation [webcasts], 2006.
Niels Bohr Library & Archives
American Institute of Physics
One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA
Steven Chu papers, 1949-2004 (bulk 1975-2004).
Department of Special Collections and University Archives
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305, USA
Collected papers related to the formation of the division of high polymer physics, 1943-1944.
Niels Bohr Library & Archives
American Institute of Physics
One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA