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Berlin (Germany)

People Institutions

Berlin (Germany)


Bargmann, V. (Valentine), 1908-1989

Barschall, H. H. (Henry Herman), 1915-1997

Bitter, Francis, 1902-1967

Born, Max, 1882-1970

Bothe, W. (Walther), 1891-

Braun, Ferdinand, 1850-1918

Debye, Peter J. W. (Peter Josef William), 1884-1966

Delbrück, Max

Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

Franck, James, 1882-1964

Fritzsche, Hellmut

Gabor, Dennis, 1900-1979

Heisenberg, Werner, 1901-1976

Hertz, Gustav, 1887-

Kistiakowsky, George B. (George Bogdan), 1900-1982

Laue, Max von, 1879-1960

Liepmann, H. W. (Hans Wolfgang), 1914-

Mandel, Leonard

Merritt, Ernest, 1865-1948

Merzbacher, Eugen

Müller, Erwin W.

Narath, Albert, 1933-

Nernst, Walther, 1864-1941

Orowan, E. (Egon), 1902-1989

Panofsky, Wolfgang K. H. (Wolfgang Kurt Hermann), 1919-2007

Peterlin, A. (Anton)

Planck, Max, 1858-1947

Polanyi, J. C., 1929-

Ruska, Ernst

Schiffer, Menahem

Schrödinger, Erwin, 1887-1961

Stark, Johannes, 1874-1957

Szilard, Leo

Tate, John T. (John Torrence), 1889-1950

Von Bekesy, Georg, 1899-1972

Von Neumann, John, 1903-1957

Weber, Ernst, 1901-

Weiss, Rainer

Wien, W. (Wilhelm), 1864-1928

Wigner, Eugene Paul, 1902-1995

Wood, Robert Williams, 1868-1955

Yonath, Ada

Zeleny, John, 1872-
