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June 26, 1938 – present
Authorized Form of Name
Adelberger, Eric G.
Additional Forms of Names
Adelberger, E. G. (Eric George)
Adelberger, Eric, 1938-
Adelberger has published papers regarding experimental studies of fundamental symmetries in nuclei and atoms, nuclear structure, and experimental gravitation. He has also worked with the National Research Council, the American Physical Society, and CERN.
June 26, 1938Birth, Bryn Mawr (Pa.).
1960Obtained B.S. in Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena (Calif.).
1967Obtained Ph.D. in Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena (Calif.).
1967 – 1968Research Fellow, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena (Calif.).
1968 – 1969Research Associate, Stanford University.
1969 – 1971Assistant Professor, Princeton University.
1971 – presentAssistant Professor of Physics (1971-1972); Associate Professor of Physics (1972-1975); Professor of Physics (1975-2007); and Emeritus Professor of Physics (2007-present), University of Washington, Seattle (Wash.).
1973 – 1976Member, Advisory Panel for Physics, National Science Foundation.
1978Fellow, American Physical Society.
1980 – 1985Member, Review Committee for the Physics Division of Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne Universities Association, Lemont (Ill.).
1981 – 1982Member, Scientific Advisory Panel, Southeastern Universities Research Association.
1984 – 1986Member, Executive Committee, Division of Nuclear Physics, American Physical Society.
1985Awarded Tom W. Bonner Prize in Nuclear Physics, American Physical Society.
1987 – 1991Member, Program Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC).
1992 – 1993Paid Scientific Associate, European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).
1994Elected member, National Academy of Sciences.
1996 – 1999Member, Advisory Board, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara.
1997 – 2007Member, Committee on Gravitational Physics (1997-1999); Member, Committee on Physics of the Universe (2001-2002); and Member, Beyond Einstein Program Assessment Committee (2006-2007), National Research Council, Washington (D.C.).
1998Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Experimental gravitational and nuclear physicist.
Advised by Stubbs at University of Washington and both employed at University of Washington.
Anderson, Carl D. (Carl David), 1905-1991
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Bacher, Robert F. (Robert Fox), 1905-2004
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at University of Washington.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Bargmann, V. (Valentine), 1908-1989
Both employed at Princeton University.
Barish, B. C. (Barry Clark), 1936-
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at Princeton University and University of Washington.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Princeton University.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Princeton University.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at Princeton University.
Both employed at University of Washington.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at University of Washington.
Dicke, Robert H. (Robert Henry)
Both employed at Princeton University.
DuBridge, Lee A. (Lee Alvin), 1901-1994
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
DuMond, Jesse W. M. (Jesse William Monroe), 1892-1976
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Fairbank, William Martin, 1917-1989
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Feynman, Richard P. (Richard Phillips), 1918-1988
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at Princeton University.
Both employed at University of Washington.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at University of Washington.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at Princeton University.
Gould, Roy W. (Roy Walter), 1927-
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Gross, David J. (David Jonathan)
Both employed at Princeton University.
Both employed at University of Washington.
Hellwarth, Robert Willis, 1930-2021
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at University of Washington.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Princeton University.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Lauritsen, Charles Christian, 1892-1968
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Meyerhof, Walter E. (Walter Ernst), 1922-
Both employed at Stanford University.
Neddermeyer, Seth H. (Seth Henry), 1907-1988
Both employed at University of Washington.
Nelson, Ann E. (Ann Elizabeth)
Both employed at University of Washington.
Both employed at Princeton University.
Robertson, R. G. Hamish, 1943-
Both employed at University of Washington.
Schawlow, Arthur L., 1921-1999
Both employed at Stanford University.
Schiff, Leonard I. (Leonard Isaac), 1915-1971
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Princeton University.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Shenstone, A. G. (Allen Goodrich)
Both employed at Princeton University.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Smyth, Henry De Wolf, 1898-1986
Both employed at Princeton University.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at University of Washington.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at Princeton University.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Webster, David Locke, 1888-1976
Both employed at Stanford University.
Wheeler, John Archibald, 1911-2008
Both employed at Princeton University.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Wightman, A. S. (Arthur Strong), 1922-2013
Both employed at Princeton University.
Wigner, Eugene Paul, 1902-1995
Both employed at Princeton University.
Both employed at Princeton University.
Both employed at University of Washington.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Princeton University.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
California Institute of Technology. Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy
Obtained B.S. (1960) and Ph.D. (1967) in Physics, and Research Fellow.
European Organization for Nuclear Research
Paid Scientific Associate.
Princeton University. Department of Physics
Assistant Professor.
Stanford University. Department of Physics
Research Associate.
University of Washington. Department of Physics
Assistant Professor of Physics; Associate Professor of Physics; Professor of Physics; and Emeritus Professor of Physics.
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Fellow and Member, Executive Committee, Division of Nuclear Physics.
Argonne Universities Association
Member, Review Committee for the Physics Division of Argonne National Laboratory.
National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)
National Research Council (U.S.)
Member, Committee on Gravitational Physics; Member, Committee on Physics of the Universe; and Member, Beyond Einstein Program Assessment Committee.
National Science Foundation (U.S.)
Member, Advisory Panel for Physics.
Southeastern Universities Research Association (U.S.)
Member, Scientific Advisory Panel.
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Member, Program Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics.
University of California, Santa Barbara. Institute for Theoretical Physics
Member, Advisory Board.