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June 26, 1947 – present
Authorized Form of Name
Drake, James (James F.)
James F. Drake is Professor of Physics at the University of Maryland (1978-present). Other institutional affiliations include the University of California, Los Angeles. His research interests include magnetic reconnection and plasma turbulence.
June 26, 1947Birth, Pasadena (Calif.).
1969Obtained BS, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles (Calif.).
1972Obtained MS, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles (Calif.).
1975Obtained PhD in Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles (Calif.).
1975 – 1978Adjunct Assistant Professor (1975-1976) and Assistant Research Physicist (1975-1978), University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles (Calif.).
1978 – presentResearch Associate (1978-1979); Senior Research Associate (1979-1985); Senior Research Scientist (1985-1987); Associate Professor of Physics (1987-1990); Interim Director, Center for Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modeling (2000-2002); and Professor of Physics, Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics (1990-present), University of Maryland, College Park, College Park (Md.).
1981 – 1983Member, Executive Committee, Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference.
1981 – 1983Chair, Gordon Research Conference on Plasma Physics.
1985 – 1987Member, Executive Committee, Division of Plasma Physics, American Physical Society.
1986 – 1988Member, Executive Committee, Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference.
1992 – 1998Member, Executive Committee, University Fusion Association.
1993 – 1996Member, Executive Committee, Division of Plasma Physics, American Physical Society.
1994 – 1995Humboldt Fellow, Garching, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics.
1995Member, Review Panel on Space Physics Theory Program, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
1995 – 1997President, University Fusion Association.
1999 – 2000Chair, Division of Plasma Physics, American Physical Society.
1999 – 2000Member, Review Panel on the Fusion Energy Sciences Program, National Academy of Sciences.
1999 – 2001Member, Plasma Science Committee, National Research Council.
1999 – presentMember, Advisory Committee, Plasma Science Advanced Computing Initiative, United States Department of Energy.
2000 – 2004Member, Theory, Modeling and Data Exploration Panel, Decadal Survey of Space and Solar Physics (2000-2002) and Member, Committee on Space and Solar Physics, National Research Council.
2003 – 2006Member, Council (2003-2006) and Member, Executive Board (2005-2006), American Physical Society.
2005 – presentMember, Executive Committee, University Fusion Associates.
2008 – presentMember, Panel on Public Affairs, American Physical Society.
2011Awarded James Clerk Maxwell Prize for Plasma Physics, American Physical Society.
Theoretical plasma physicist.
Both employed at University of California, Los Angeles.
Both employed at University of California, Los Angeles.
Both employed at University of Maryland.
Dawson, J. M. (John Myrick), 1930-
Both employed at University of California, Los Angeles.
Fisher, Michael E. (Michael Ellis)
Both employed at University of Maryland.
Both employed at University of Maryland.
Both employed at University of Maryland.
Holstein, Theodore David, 1915-1985
Both employed at University of California, Los Angeles.
Both employed at University of Maryland.
Both employed at University of California, Los Angeles.
Both employed at University of Maryland.
Both employed at University of Maryland.
Phillips, William D. (William Daniel), 1948-
Both employed at University of Maryland.
Both employed at University of California, Los Angeles.
Both employed at University of Maryland.
Both employed at University of California, Los Angeles.
Both employed at University of Maryland.
Webb, W. Richard (Wayne Richard), 1945-
Both employed at University of Maryland.
Both employed at University of Maryland.
Both employed at University of California, Los Angeles.
Both employed at University of Maryland.
University of California, Los Angeles. Department of Physics
Obtained BS, MS, PhD in 1975 in Physics; Adjunct Assistant Professor; and Assistant Research Physicist.
University of Maryland at College Park. Department of Physics and Astronomy
Research Associate; Senior Research Associate; Senior Research Scientist; Associate Professor of Physics; Interim Director, Center for Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modeling; and Professor of Physics, Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics.
Member, Executive Committee, Division of Plasma Physics; Member, Executive Committee, Division of Plasma Physics; Chair, Division of Plasma Physics; Member, Council; Member, Executive Board; Member, Panel on Public Affairs; and awarded 2011 James Clerk Maxwell Prize for Plasma Physics.
Gordon Research Conferences
International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference
Member, Executive Committee.
Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik.
Humboldt Fellow.
National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)
Member, Review Panel on the Fusion Energy Sciences Program.
National Research Council (U.S.)
Member, Plasma Science Committee; Member, Theory, Modeling and Data Exploration Panel, Decadal Survey of Space and Solar Physics; and Member, Committee on Space and Solar Physics.
United States. Department of Energy
Member, Advisory Committee, Plasma Science Advanced Computing Initiative.
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Member, Review Panel on Space Physics Theory Program.
University Fusion Association