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February 1, 1905 – June 4, 1967
Authorized Form of Name
Berkner, Lloyd V. (Lloyd Viel), 1905-1967
Additional Forms of Names
Berkner, L. V., 1905-1967
Berkner, Lloyd Viel, 1905-1967
Lloyd Viel Berkner made significant contributions to geophysics and to the development of international cooperation in science.
February 1, 1905Birth, Milwaukee (Wis.).
1927Obtained BS, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (Minn.).
1927 – 1928Electrical Engineer, United States Bureau of Lighthouses.
1928 – 1930Engineer, Byrd Antarctic Expedition.
1930 – 1933Engineer, National Bureau of Standards.
1933 – 1941Physicist, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington (D.C.).
1941 – 1945Member, Radio and Electrical Group, Engineering Division, Bureau of Aeronautics (1941-1943) and Head, Electronic Materiel Division, Radio and Electrical Group, Engineering Division (1943-1945), United States Navy.
1946 – 1947Executive Secretary (1946-1947) and Consultant (1947-1951), Research and Development Board, United States National Military Establishment (now Department of Defense).
1947 – 1951Section Chief, Exploratory Geophysics of the Atmosphere, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington (D.C.).
1948Member, National Academy of Sciences.
1950 – 1952Consultant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
1951 – 1960President (1951-1960); Member, Board of Trustees (1951-1960); and Chair, Executive Committee (1951-1960), Associated Universities, Inc, Washington (D.C.).
1952 – 1953Consultant, National Security Resources Board.
1953 – 1959Member, United States National Committee, International Geophysical Year.
1955 – 1958President, International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU).
1956Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
1957 – 1958Member, President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC).
1957 – 1960President, International Union of Radio Science.
1958 – 1960Chair, Space Science Board, National Academy of Sciences.
1959 – 1962President, American Geophysical Union.
1960 – 1965President, Graduate Research Center of the Southwest, Dallas (Tex.).
June 4, 1967Death, Washington (D.C.).
Briggs, Lyman J. (Lyman James), 1874-1963
Both employed at the National Bureau of Standards.
Both employed at Carnegie Institution of Washington.
Coblentz, William W. (William Weber), 1873-1962
Both employed at the National Bureau of Standards.
Dryden, Hugh L. (Hugh Latimer), 1898-1965
Both employed at the National Bureau of Standards.
Fleming, J. A. (John Adam), 1877-1956
Both employed at Carnegie Institution of Washington.
Both employed at Carnegie Institution of Washington.
Both employed at Carnegie Institution of Washington.
Kistiakowsky, George B. (George Bogdan), 1900-1982
Both worked on President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC).
Meggers, William F. (William Frederick), 1888-1966
Both employed at the National Bureau of Standards.
Both worked on President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC).
Robertson, H. P. (Howard Percy), 1903-1961
Both worked on President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC).
Schubauer, Galen B. (Galen Brandt), 1904-
Both employed at the National Bureau of Standards.
Both employed at Carnegie Institution of Washington.
Van Allen, James A. (James Alfred), 1914-2006
Both employed at Carnegie Institution of Washington.
Vestine, E. H. (Ernest Harry), 1906-1968
Both employed at Carnegie Institution of Washington.
Wiesner, Jerome B. (Jerome Bert), 1915-1994
Both worked on President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC).
York, Herbert F. (Herbert Frank)
Both worked on President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC).
Zacharias, Jerrold Reinach, 1905-1986
Both worked on President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC).
Beckler, David Z., 1918-
Bryant, John H.
Goldberg, Leo
Greenstein, Jesse L. (Jesse Leonard), 1909-2002
Helliwell, Robert A.
Malone, Thomas F.
Mange, Phillip, 1925-
McFarlan, Ronald Lyman
Newell, Homer E. (Homer Edward), 1915-1983
Odishaw, Hugh
Overhage, Carl F. J.
Povzner, A. D.
Singer, S. Fred (Siegfried Fred), 1924-
Whitaker, Douglas Merritt, 1904-
Associated Universities, Inc.
President; Member, Board of Trustees; and Chair, Executive Committee.
Byrd Antarctic Expedition
Carnegie Institution of Washington
Section Chief, Exploratory Geophysics of the Atmosphere.
Carnegie Institution of Washington. Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
Graduate Research Center of the Southwest
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
United States. Bureau of Light-Houses
Electrical Engineer.
United States. National Bureau of Standards
United States. National Security Resources Board
United States. Navy Department. Bureau of Aeronautics
Member, Radio and Electrical Group, Engineering Division and Head, Electronic Materiel Division, Radio and Electrical Group, Engineering Division.
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
American Geophysical Union
International Council of Scientific Unions
International Geophysical Year, 1957-1958
Member, United States National Committee.
International Union of Radio Science
National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)
Member and Chair, Space Science Board.
United States. Department of Defense. Research and Development Board
Executive Secretary and Consultant.
United States. President's Science Advisory Committee
University of Minnesota. Department of Electrical Engineering
Obtained BS in 1927.
International Science and Technology Journal interviews, 1962-1967.
Niels Bohr Library & Archives
American Institute of Physics
One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA
Lloyd V. Berkner papers, 1905-1967.
Manuscript Division
Library of Congress
James Madison Memorial Building, First Street and Independence Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20540, USA
Reminiscences of the International Geophysical Year, 1959 June 4.
Oral History Research Office
Columbia University
Box 20, Room 801 Butler Library, New York, NY 10027, USA
Selected interviews with notes on the history of radar from the John Bryant collection.
Niels Bohr Library & Archives
American Institute of Physics
One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA
Department of Terrestrial Magnetism Ionospheric Section records, 1927-1959, (bulk 1942-1946).
Department of Terrestrial Magnetism. Library and Archives
Carnegie Institution of Washington
5241 Broad Branch Road NW, Washington, DC 20015, USA
John Bryant collection.
Historical Electronics Museum, Inc.
P. O. Box 746, M.S. 4015, Baltimore, MD 21203, USA
Lloyd Viel Berkner: 1905-1967, Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences
National Academy of Sciences
Oral history interview with Artjom Powsner and Lilia Morozovskia, 1999 January 19 and 22.
Niels Bohr Library & Archives
American Institute of Physics
One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA
Oral history interview with David Z. Beckler, 2001 August 22 and December 27.
Niels Bohr Library & Archives
American Institute of Physics
One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA
Oral History interview with Fred Singer, 1991 April 23.
Niels Bohr Library & Archives
American Institute of Physics
One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA
Oral history interview with Frederick Seitz, 1994 July 19.
Niels Bohr Library & Archives
American Institute of Physics
One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA
Oral history interview with Homer Edward Newell, 1980 July 17 and October 20.
Niels Bohr Library & Archives
American Institute of Physics
One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA
Oral history interview with Jesse Leonard Greenstein, 1974 July 31.
Niels Bohr Library & Archives
American Institute of Physics
One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA
Oral history interview with Leo Goldberg, 1978 May 16 and 17, and 1982.
Niels Bohr Library & Archives
American Institute of Physics
One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA
Oral history interview with Phillip Mange, 2002 December 30 and 2003 March 25.
Niels Bohr Library & Archives
American Institute of Physics
One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA
Oral history interview with Robert A. Helliwell, 2002 September 17.
University Archives
Ohio State University
2700 Kenny Road, Columbus, OH 43210, USA
Oral history interview with Ronald Lyman McFarlan, 1979 December 18.
Niels Bohr Library & Archives
American Institute of Physics
One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA
Oral history interview with Thomas F. Malone, 1995 January 4.
Niels Bohr Library & Archives
American Institute of Physics
One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA
Science and foreign relations : international flow of scientific and technological information.
Science in space, edited by Lloyd V. Berkner [and] Hugh Odishaw.
The scientific age : the impact of science on society / by L.V. Berkner.
Lloyd Berkner, Merle Tuve, and the Federal Role in Radio Astronomy
Lloyd Veil Berkner Dies, Was Adventurer and NAS Treasurer Physics Today obituary.
Science, Cold War and the American State: Lloyd V. Berkner and the Balance of Professional Ideals