Copernicus (1473-1543)

This sixteenth-century oil painting, which hangs in the Town Hall
of Torun, Poland, may be a copy from a self-portait sketched by Copernicus. |
Copernicus studied
at the Polish University of Cracow and them became a canon of the cathedral
chapter of Frombork. He served there until his death. There were interruptions,
however, to study canon law at the University of Bologna and medicine
at Padua. In Italy, Copernicus also engaged in further astronomical studies.
had the fundamentals of his heliocentric theory by 1514, but prudently
circulated it only among friends for comment. The theory was still not
published in 1539, when a disciple undertook the job. Copernicus received
the finished book on the revolutions of the heavenly spheres, De revolutionibus
orbium coelestium, only on his deathbed, in 1543.