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August 29, 1947 – present
Authorized Form of Name
Weinberg, Erick J.
Erick Weinberg is Professor of Physics at Columbia University (1987-present). His research interests include elementary particle theory, quantum field theory, cosmological phase transitions, and classical black holes.
August 29, 1947Birth, Ossining (N.Y.).
1968Obtained BS, Manhattan College, Riverdale (New York, N.Y.).
1969Obtained MA, Harvard University, Cambridge (Mass.).
1973Obtained PhD in Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge (Mass.).
1973 – 1975Member, Institute for Advanced Study.
1975 – presentAssistant Professor to Associate Professor of Physics (1975-1987); Professor of Physics (1987-present); and Chair, Department of Physics (2002-2006), Columbia University, New York (N.Y.).
Theoretical physicist.
PhD advisor at Harvard University, "Radiative corrections as the origin of spontaneous symmetry breaking."
Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.
Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Foley, Henry Michael, 1917-1982
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Rabi, I. I. (Isidor Isaac), 1898-1988
Both employed at Columbia University.
Rainwater, L. James (Leo James), 1917-1986
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Sachs, Allan M. (Allan Maxwell), 1921-1989
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Wu, C. S. (Chien-shiung), 1912-1997
Both employed at Columbia University.
Columbia University. Department of Physics
Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Physics; Professor of Physics; and Department Chair.
Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton, N.J.)
Harvard University. Department of Physics
Obtained MA (1969) and PhD (1973).
Manhattan College.
Obtained BS (1968).
Gravity Research Foundation essays and abstracts, 1949-2016.
Niels Bohr Library & Archives
American Institute of Physics
One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA
QFT and QCD: past, present, and future [videorecording], 2005 March 18 and 19.
Niels Bohr Library & Archives
American Institute of Physics
One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA
Columbia University Department of Physics Historical Records, 1862-1997.
Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Columbia University
Butler Library, 6th Floor East, New York, NY 10027, USA