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AbstractImportant DatesOccupationPlacesSubjects




Published as Subject

R. N. Sudan



June 8, 1931 – January 22, 2009

Authorized Form of Name

Sudan, R. N.

Additional Forms of Names

Sudan, R.

Sudan, Ravindra



Ravi Sudan was IBM Professor Emeritus of Engineering at Cornell University (2001-2009). His research interests included thermonuclear fusion and space physics, high powered pulsed particle beams, magnetohydrodynamics, plasma turbulence, and solar physics.

Important Dates

June 8, 1931Birth, Jammu and Kashmir (India).

1948Obtained BA, Panjab University, Chandīgarh (India).

1952Obtained Diploma, India Institute of Science, Bangalore (India).

1955Obtained DIC and PhD in Electrical Engineering, Imperial College London, London (England).

1955 – 1957Electrical Engineer, British Thomson Houston Company.

1957 – 1958Instruments Engineer, Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., India.

1958 – 2009Research Associate (1958-1959); Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering (1959-1968); Professor of Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics (1968-1975); Director, Laboratory of Plasma Studies (1975-1985); IBM Professor of Engineering (1975-2001); Deputy Director, Cornell Theory Center (1985-1987); and IBM Professor Emeritus of Engineering (2001-2009), Cornell University, Ithaca (N.Y.).

1965 – 1966Visiting Scientist, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste.

1966 – 1967Visiting Research Physicist, Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University.

1970 – 1971Head, Theoretical Plasma Physics, Naval Research Laboratory, United States Navy.

1970 – 1973Visiting Scientist, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste.

1974 – 1975Science Advisor, Naval Research Laboratory, United States Navy.

1975Visiting Physicist, Institute for Advanced Study.

1983Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Fusion Studies, University of Texas, Austin.

1989Awarded James Clerk Maxwell Prize for Plasma Physics, American Physical Society.

1991 – 1994Member, Advisory Board, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara.

January 22, 2009Death, Saint Petersburg (Fla.).


Plasma physicist.



Jammu and Kashmir (India)

Undergraduate Education

Chandīgarh (India)

Graduate Education

Bangalore (India)

London (England)


Ithaca (N.Y.)


Saint Petersburg (Fla.)



Particle beams.

Plasma (Ionized gases).

Plasma physics.

Plasma turbulence.




Balluffi, R. W.

Both employed at Cornell University.

Booker, Henry G.

Both employed at Cornell University.

Corson, Dale R.

Both employed at Cornell University.

Everhart, Thomas E.

Both employed at Cornell University.

Lumley, John L. (John Leask), 1930-

Both employed at Cornell University.

Rostoker, Norman

Both employed at Cornell University.


Major Positions

Cornell University. College of Engineering

Research Associate; Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering; Professor of Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics; IBM Professor of Engineering; and IBM Professor Emeritus of Engineering.

Imperial Chemical Industries, ltd.

Instruments Engineer.

Thomson-Houston Electric Company

Electrical Engineer.

Professional Activities & Affiliations

American Physical Society

Received 1989 James Clerk Maxwell Prize for Plasma Physics.

Cornell Theory Center

Deputy Director.

Cornell University. Laboratory of Plasma Studies


Imperial College. London

Obtained DIC and PhD in Electrical Engineering (1955).

Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

Obtained Diploma (1952).

Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton, N.J.)

Visiting Physicist.

International Centre for Theoretical Physics

Visiting Scientist.

Naval Research Laboratory (U.S.)

Head, Theoretical Plasma Physics and Science Advisor.

Panjab University

Obtained BA (1948).

Princeton University. Plasma Physics Laboratory

Visiting Research Physicist.

University of California, Santa Barbara. Institute for Theoretical Physics

Member, Advisory Board.

University of Texas at Austin. Institute for Fusion Studies

Senior Research Fellow.


Published Resources


Ravi Sudan Cornell obituary.