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AbstractImportant DatesOccupationPlacesSubjects



E. Ward Plummer



October 30, 1940 – present

Authorized Form of Name

Plummer, E. Ward

Additional Forms of Names

Plummer, E. W.

Plummer, E. W. (E. Ward)

Plummer, Ward



E. Ward Plummer is Professor of Physics at Louisiana State University (2009-present). Other institutional affiliations include University of Tennessee, University of Pennsylvania, and the National Bureau of Standards. His research interests include the coupling of the electronic, magnetic and structural properties at a surface, and instrumentation for electron spectroscopy.

Important Dates

October 30, 1940Birth, Astoria (Or.).

1962Obtained BA in Physics and Mathematics, Lewis and Clark College, Portland (Or.).

1967 – 1973National Research Council (NRC) Fellow (1967-1968); Staff Scientist (1968-1970); and Assistant Section Chief, Surface Physics in the Far Ultraviolet (1970-1973), National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg (Md.).

1968Obtained PhD in Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca (N.Y.).

1973 – 1992Associate Professor of Physics (1973-1977); Professor of Physics (1977-1988); and William Smith Professor of Physics (1988-1992), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (Pa.).

1983Awarded Davisson-Germer Prize in Atomic or Surface Physics, American Physical Society.

1983 – 1987Member, User's Advisory Committee, National Synchrotron Radiation Light Source, Brookhaven National Laboratory.

1986 – 1989Member, Solid State Sciences Committee, National Academy of Sciences.

1992 – 2009Visiting Distinguished Scientist (1992) and Distinguished Scientist (1993-2009), Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

1993 – 2009Distinguished Professor of Physics (1993-2009) and Director, Tennessee Advanced Materials Laboratory (2001-2006), University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Tenn.).

2001 – 2007Member, Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee, United States Department of Energy.

2006Member, National Academy of Sciences.

2006 – 2009Director, Joint Institute for Advanced Materials, University of Tennessee-Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

2009 – presentProfessor of Physics, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge (La.).


Materials physicist.



Astoria (Or.)

Undergraduate Education

Portland (Or.)

Graduate Education

Ithaca (N.Y.)


Gaithersburg (Md.)

Philadelphia (Pa.)

Knoxville (Tenn.)

Oak Ridge (Tenn.)

Baton Rouge (La.)


Applied physics and engineering.

Condensed matter.

Materials science.

Surface (Physics).



Advisors & Collaborators

Ho, Wilson

Advised by Plummer at University of Pennsylvania.


Branscomb, Lewis M., 1926-

Both employed at the National Bureau of Standards.

Burstein, Elias, 1917-2017

Both employed at University of Pennsylvania.

Callen, Herbert B.

Both employed at University of Pennsylvania.

Chaikin, Paul M.

Both employed at University of Pennsylvania.

Dolan, Gerald

Both employed at University of Pennsylvania.

Hall, J. L. (John L.), 1934-

Both employed at the National Bureau of Standards.

Heeger, Alan J.

Both employed at University of Pennsylvania.

Julienne, Paul S.

Both employed at the National Bureau of Standards.

Kirtley, John R.

Both employed at University of Pennsylvania.

Kivelson, Steven

Both employed at University of Pennsylvania.

Klebanoff, P. S.

Both employed at the National Bureau of Standards.

Langenberg, D. N., 1932-

Both employed at University of Pennsylvania.

Louie, Steven G., 1949-

Both employed at University of Pennsylvania.

Lubensky, T. C.

Both employed at University of Pennsylvania.

Middleton, Roy, 1927-2004

Both employed at University of Pennsylvania.

Primakoff, H. (Henry), 1914-1983

Both employed at University of Pennsylvania.

Schrieffer, J. R. (John Robert), 1931-

Both employed at University of Pennsylvania.

Schubauer, Galen B. (Galen Brandt), 1904-

Both employed at the National Bureau of Standards.

Steinhardt, Paul J.

Both employed at University of Pennsylvania.


Major Positions

Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.). Department of Physics and Astronomy

Professor of Physics.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Visiting Distinguished Scientist; Distinguished Scientist; and Director, Joint Institute for Advanced Materials.

United States. National Bureau of Standards

National Research Council (NRC) Fellow; Staff Scientist; and Assistant Section Chief, Surface Physics in the Far Ultraviolet.

University of Pennsylvania. Department of Physics and Astronomy

Associate Professor of Physics; Professor of Physics; and William Smith Professor of Physics.

University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Department of Physics

Distinguished Professor of Physics.

Professional Activities & Affiliations

American Physical Society

Received 1983 Davisson-Germer Prize in Atomic or Surface Physics.

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Member, User's Advisory Committee, National Synchrotron Radiation Light Source.

Cornell University. Department of Physics

Obtained PhD (1968).

Lewis & Clark College (Portland, Or.)

Obtained BA in Physics and Mathematics (1962).

National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)

Member and Member, Solid State Sciences Committee.

United States. Department of Energy

Member, Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee.
