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November 23, 1946 – present
Authorized Form of Name
Chan, Moses Hung-Wai
Moses Chan is a low temperature physicist and the Evan Pugh Professor of Physics at Pennsylvania State University. His research specialties include quantum fluids and solids at cryogenic temperatures.
November 23, 1946Birth, Xi'an Shi (China).
1967Obtained BA, Bridgewater College, Bridgewater (Va.).
1969Obtained MS, Cornell University, Ithaca (N.Y.).
1969 – 1970Assistant Lecturer, University of Hong Kong.
1973 – 1976Research Associate in Physics, Duke University.
1974Obtained PhD in Experimental Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca (N.Y.).
1976 – 1979Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Toledo.
1979 – presentAssistant Professor to Professor (1979-1990); Distinguished Professor of Physics (1990-1994); and Evan Pugh Professor of Physics (1994-present), Pennsylvania State University, State College (Pa.).
1986 – 1987Visiting Professor, Cornell University, Ithaca (N.Y.).
1996Awarded Fritz London Prize, International Union of Pure and Applied Physics.
2000Member, National Academy of Sciences.
2004Member, American Academy of the Arts and Sciences.
Low temperature physicist.
PhD advisor at Cornell University, "Superfluidity of thin He4 films."
Cornell University. Department of Physics
Obtained MS in 1969 and PhD (Experimental Physics) in 1974. Visiting Professor.
Duke University. Department of Physics
Research Associate in Physics.
Pennsylvania State University. Department of Physics
Assistant Professor to Professor; Distinguished Professor of Physics; and Evan Pugh Professor of Physics.
University of Hong Kong
Assistant Lecturer.
University of Toledo
Assistant Professor of Physics.
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Bridgewater College
Obtained BA in 1967.
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
Received 1996 Fritz London Prize.
National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)
Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society of North America