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AbstractImportant DatesOccupationPlacesSubjects



Stephen H. Davis



September 7, 1939 – present

Authorized Form of Name

Davis, Stephen H., 1939-



Stephen H. Davis is McCormick School Professor at Northwestern University (2000-present). Other institutional affiliations include Johns Hopkins University and RAND Corporation. His research interests include theoretical fluid mechanics, hydrodynamic stability and interfacial phenomena, material science, thin films and crystal growth, and asymptotic and variational methods.

Important Dates

September 7, 1939Birth, New York (N.Y.).

1960Obtained BEE, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy (N.Y.).

1962Obtained MS, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy (N.Y.).

1964Obtained PhD in Mathematics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy (N.Y.).

1964 – 1966Mathematician, RAND Corporation, Arlington (Va.).

1966 – 1968Lecturer in Mathematics, Imperial College London, London (England).

1968 – 1978Assistant Professor of Mechanics (1968-1970); Associate Professor of Mechanics (1970-1975); and Professor of Mechanics and Materials Sciences and of Earth and Planetary Sciences (1975-1978), Johns Hopkins University.

1977Visiting Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson (Ariz.).

1977 – 1980Member (1977-1980) and Chair (1978-1979), Executive Committee, Division of Fluid Dynamics, American Physical Society.

1977 – 1981Member, Fluid Physics Committee of the Universities Space Research Guidance Committee, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

1979 – 1994President, SHD Associates, Inc.

1979 – presentProfessor of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics and of Mechanical Engineering (1979-1999); Director, Center for Multiphase Fluid Flow and Transport (1986-1988); Chair, Department of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics (1988-1991); and Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science Professor (2000-present), Northwestern University, Evanston (Ill.).

1982Visiting Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson (Ariz.).

1983 – 1985Member, Council, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

1987 – 1989Member, Advisory Committee on Mechanics Structures and Materials Engineering, National Science Foundation.

1987 – 1990Chair (1987-1988) and Member (1987-1990), Executive Committee, Division of Fluid Dynamics, American Physical Society.

1991 – 2005Member, Microgravity Science and Applications Subcommittee of the Space Science and Applications Advisory Committee (1991-1997); Member (1991-2005) and Chair (1991-1997), Discipline Working Group on Fluid Dynamics and Transport Phenomena, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

1994Awarded Fluid Dynamics Prize, American Physical Society.

1999 – presentEditor, Press Monographs in Mechanics (1999-present) and Editor, Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2000-present), Cambridge University, Cambridge (England).

2003 – presentEditor, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, Palo Alto (Calif.).


Applied mathematician.



New York (N.Y.)

Undergraduate Education

Troy (N.Y.)

Graduate Education

Troy (N.Y.)

Troy (N.Y.)


Baltimore (Md.)

Evanston (Ill.)

Tucson (Ariz.)

Cambridge (England)


Applied mathematics.


Fluid mechanics.


Materials science.

Thin films.




Corrsin, Stanley, 1920-

Both employed at Johns Hopkins University.

Elsasser, Walter M., 1904-

Both employed at Johns Hopkins University.

Hussain, Fazle

Both employed at Johns Hopkins University.


Major Positions

Annual Reviews, Inc.

Editor, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics.

Cambridge University Press

Editor, Monographs in Mechanics, and Editor, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

Imperial College. London

Lecturer in Mathematics.

Johns Hopkins University. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences

Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences.

Johns Hopkins University. Department of Mechanics

Assistant Professor of Mechanics; Associate Professor of Mechanics; and Professor of Mechanics and Materials Sciences.

Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). Department of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics

Professor of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics and of Mechanical Engineering, Chair of Department, and Director, Center for Multiphase Fluid Flow and Transport.

Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). Department of Mechanical Engineering

Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor of Mechanics and Materials Sciences and of Earth and Planetary Sciences.

Rand Corporation


Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science

Director, Center for Multiphase Fluid Flow and Transport, and McCormick School Professor.

SHD Associates, Inc.


United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Member, Fluid Physics Committee of the Universities Space Research Guidance Committee, Member, Microgravity Science and Applications Subcommittee of the Space Science and Applications Advisory Committee, Chair, Discipline Working Group on Fluid Dynamics and Transport Phenomena, and Member, Discipline Working Group on Fluid Dynamics and Transport Phenomena.

University of Arizona. Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Visiting Professor.

University of Arizona. Department of Chemical Engineering

Visiting Professor.

Professional Activities & Affiliations

American Physical Society

Received 1994 Fluid Dynamics Prize, Member, Executive Committee Division of Fluid Dynamics, and Chair, Division of Fluid Dynamics.

National Science Foundation (U.S.)

Member, Advisory Committee on Mechanics Structures and Materials Engineering.

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Department of Mathematics

Obtained BEE, MS, and PhD (Mathematics).

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Council Member.
