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Institutional History

AbstractPast PresidentsImportant DatesPlacesSubjectsCitations




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American Association for the Advancement of Science



1848 – present

Authorized Form of Name

American Association for the Advancement of Science

Additional Forms of Names



American Association for the Advancement of Science (Washington)

Institutional History


First permanent organization formed to promote the development of science and engineering at the national level and to represent the interests of all its disciplines.

Past Presidents

1848, William C. Redfield

1849, Joseph Henry

1850, Alexander Dallas Bache

1851, Louis Agassiz

1852, Benjamin Peirce

1854, James Dwight Dana

1855, John Torrey

1856, James Hall

1857, Alexis Caswell

1857, Jacob Whitman Bailey

1858, Jeffries Wyman

1859, Stephen Alexander

1860, Isaac Lea

1866, Frederick Augustus Porter Barnard

1867, John Strong Newberry

1868, Benjamin Apthorp Gould

1869, John Wells Foster

1870, Thomas Sterry Hunt

1870, William Chauvenet

1871, Asa Gray

1872, John Lawrence Smith

1873, Joseph Lovering

1874, John Lawrence LeConte

1875, Julius Erasmus Hilgard

1876, William Barton Rogers

1877, Simon Newcomb

1878, Othniel Charles Marsh

1879, George Frederick Barker

1880, Lewis Henry Morgan

1881, George Jarvis Brush

1882, John William Dawson

1883, Charles Augustus Young

1884, John Peter Lesley

1885, Hubert Anson Newton

1886, Edward Sylvester Morse

1887, Samuel Pierpont Langley

1888, John Wesley Powell

1889, Thomas Corwin Mendenhall

1890, George L. Goodale

1891, Albert Benjamin Prescott

1892, Joseph LeConte

1893, William Harkness

1894, Daniel Garrison Brinton

1895, Edward Williams Morley

1896, Theodore Gill

1896, Edward Drinker Cope

1897, Wolcott Gibbs

1897, William John McGee (acting)

1898, Frederic Ward Putnam

1899, Grove Karl Gilbert

1899, Marcus Benjamin

1899, Edward Francis Orton

1900, R. S. Woodward

1901, Charles S. Minot

1902, Ira Remsen

1902, Asaph Hall

1903, Carroll Davidson Wright

1904, William Gilson Farlow

1905, Calvin Milton Woodward

1906, William Henry Welch

1907, Edward L. Nichols

1908, Thomas C. Chamberlin

1909, David Starr Jordan

1910, Albert Abraham Michelson

1911, Charles Edwin Bessey

1912, Edward Charles Pickering

1913, Edmund Beecher Wilson

1914, Charles William Eliot

1915, William Wallace Campbell

1916, Charles Richard Van Hise

1917, Theodore William Richards

1918, John Merle Coulter

1919, Simon Flexner

1920, Leland O. Howard

1921, Eliakim H. Moore

1922, James Playfair McMurrich

1923, Charles Doolittle Walcott

1924, James McKeen Cattell

1925, Michael I. Pupin

1926, Liberty Hyde Bailey

1927, Arthur Amos Noyes

1928, Henry Fairfield Osborn

1929, Robert Andrews Millikan

1930, Thomas Hunt Morgan

1931, Franz Boas

1932, John Jacob Abel

1933, Henry Norris Russell

1934, Edward Lee Thorndike

1935, Karl Taylor Compton

1936, Edwin Grant Conklin

1937, George David Birkhoff

1938, Wesley Clair Mitchell

1939, Walter Bradford Cannon

1940, Albert Francis Blakeslee

1941, Irving Langmuir

1942, Arthur Holly Compton

1943, Isiah Bowman

1944, Anton Julius Carlson

1946, James Bryant Conant

1946, Charles Franklin Kettering

1947, Harlow Shapley

1948, Edmund Ware Sinnott

1949, Elvin Charles Stakman

1950, Roger Adams

1951, Kirtley Fletcher Mather

1952, Detlev Wulf Bronk

1953, Edward Uhler Condon

1954, Warren Weaver

1955, George Wells Beadle

1956, Paul Bigelow Sears

1957, Laurence H. Snyder

1958, Wallace Reed Brode

1959, Paul Ernest Klopsteg

1960, Chancey Depew Leake

1961, Thomas Park

1962, Paul M. Gross

1963, Alan Tower Waterman

1964, Laurence McKinley Gould

1965, Henry Eyring

1966, Alfred Sherwood Romer

1967, Don Krasher Price

1968, Walter Orr Roberts

1969, Hiram Bentley Glass

1970, Athelstan Spilhaus

1971, Mina Rees

1972, Glenn Theodore Seaborg

1973, Leonard M. Rieser

1974, Roger Revelle

1975, Margaret Mead

1976, William David McElroy

1977-78, Emilio Quincy Daddario

1979, Edward E. David, Jr.

1980, Kenneth Ewart Boulding

1981, Frederick Mosteller

1982, D. Allan Bromley

1983, E. Margaret Burbidge

1984, Anna Jane Harrison

1985, David A. Hamburg

1986, Gerard Piel

1987, Lawrence Bogorad

1988, Seila Evans Widnall

1989, Walter E. Massey

1990, Richard C. Atkinson

1991, Donald N. Langenberg

1992, Leon M. Lederman

1993, F. Sherwood Rowland

1994, Eloise E. Clark

1995, Francisco J. Ayala

1996, Rita R. Colwell

1997, Jane Lubchenco

1998, Mildred S. Dresselhaus

1999, M. R. C. Greenwood

2000, Stephen Jay Gould

2001, Mary L. Good

2002, Peter H. Raven

2003, Floyd E. Bloom

2004, Mary Ellen Avery

2005, Shirley Ann Jackson

2006, Gilbert S. Omenn

2007, John P. Holdren

2008, David Baltimore

2009, James J. McCarthy

2010, Peter Agre

2011, Alice S. Huang

2012, Nina V. Federoff

2013, William H. Press

2014, Phillip A. Sharp

Important Dates

September 20, 1848Formation, Philadelphia (Pa.).

1850First female member, Maria Mitchell, astronomer from Nantucket, Massachusetts joined.

1854 – 1868Joseph Lovering, Executive Officer.

1856Meeting in Albany, New York involved the dedication of two major scientific facilities: the state geological museum and the Dudley Observatory.

1861 – 1865No meetings or elected officers during the Civil War.

1866First meeting after the society was dormant during the Civil War.

1869Frederic Ward Putnam, Executive Officer.

1870Constitution was changed to create a more prestigious category of "fellows" for members "professionally engaged in science" or those who "by their labors aided in advancing science.".

1870 – 1873Joseph Lovering, 2nd term as Executive Officer.

1873Gift of $1000 from Elizabeth Thompson, a wealthy Boston widow with an interest in science, established a fund to provide research grants.

1873 – 1898Frederic Ward Putnam, 2nd term as Executive Officer.

1880 – 1882John Michels, editor of "Science.".

1883 – 1884Samuel H. Scudder, editor of "Science.".

February 9, 1883First issue of "Science" magazine after being taken under the wing of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

1885 – 1894N. D. C. Hodges, editor of "Science.".

November 1894"Science" magazine was sold to James McKeen Cattell for $500.

1895 – 1944James McKeen Cattell, editor of "Science.".

1898 – 1920Leland O. Howard, Executive Officer.

1900Agreement for "Science" to be the official journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) while being run by James McKeen Cattell.

1907First permanent home in the Smithsonian's castle on the national mall, Washington (D.C.).

1913Committee of One Hundred on Scientific Research was created.

1915First West Coast meeting in San Francisco and the Pacific Division was formed.

1919Constitution amended to strengthen ties to other societies and the Association made efforts to recruit societies that had not previously been affiliates.

1920Southwestern Division formed.

1920 – 1930Burton E. Livingston, Executive Officer.

1923Established its annual "Thousand Dollar Prize" to reward younger scientists presenting their research at annual meetings.

1931 – 1932Charles F. Roos, Executive Officer.

1933Council adopted a "Declaration of Intellectual Freedom," that condemned "threatening inroads upon intellectual freedom" as "a major crime against civiliation itself.".

1933 – 1937Henry B. Ward, Executive Officer.

1937 – 1948Forest Ray Moulton, Executive Officer.

1938Took over responsibility for the Gibson Island Research Conferences.

1942"AAAS Bulletin" was started to keep in touch with members during World War II.

1944 – 1945Jacques Cattell and Josephine Owen Cattell, editors of "Science.".

1946New constitution was adopted and set new objectives for the society.

1946New headquarters acquired at 15th Street and Massachusetts Avenue, NW, in Washington, D.C, Washington (D.C.).

1946 – 1947Willard L. Valentine, editor of "Science.".

1946 – 1956"Science" was once again taken over by the society.

1947 – 1948Mildred Atwood, acting editor of "Science.".

1948Gibson Island Research Conferences were renamed for their founder, Neil Gordon, to become the Gordon Research Conferences.

1948 – 1949George A. Baitsell, editor of "Science.".

1949 – 1953Howard A. Meyerhoff, editor of "Science" and Executive Officer.

1951"Thousand Dollar Prize" was renamed "Newcomb Cleveland Prize" after the benefactor's death.

1951Alaska Division formed (now the Arctic Division).

September 1951Arden House conference, attended by the executive committee and a number of consultants defined the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) as it exists today.

1953Hiram Bentley Glass, acting editor of "Science.".

1953Commission on Professionals in Science and Technology founded to collect and disseminate information about human resources for science and technology in the United States.

1954Duane Roller, editor of "Science.".

1954 – 1970Dael Wolfle, Executive Officer.

1955Received $300,000 grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York and hired John Mayor to develop a "Science Teaching Improvement Program.".

1956 – 1962Graham DuShane, editor of "Science" and combined "The Scientific Monthly" into "Science.".

1962 – 1974Commission on Science Education provided guidance and direction to a wide range of educational activities.

1962 – 1984Philip H. Abelson, editor of "Science.".

1969First female president elected, Mina Rees.

1970 – 1974William Bevan, Executive Officer.

1973Constitution of the society that establishes the governance through four entities: a President, a group of administrative officers, a Council, and a Board of Directors.

1974Mass Media Fellows program was established.

1974 – 1975Philip H. Abelson, acting Executive Officer.

1975 – 1987William D. Carey, Executive Officer.

1976"Newcomb Cleveland Prize" was increased to $5000 and redefined to honor authors of papers in "Science.".

1981Scientific Freedom and Responsibility Award created to recognize the courage of scientists and engineers, some of whom have risked their careers or even lives for ethical stands.

1985Headquarters at 1515 Massachusetts Avenue, NW is sold and they moved to 1333 H Street, NW, Washington (D.C.).

1985Launched Project 2061 which is a long-term effort to reform science, mathematics, and technology education at the kindergarten through 12th grade levels to ensure science literacy for all Americans.

1985Caribbean Division formed.

1985 – 1995Daniel E. Koshland, Jr., editor of "Science.".

1987 – 1988Alvin W. Trivelpiece, Executive Officer.

1989Philip H. Abelson, acting Executive Officer.

1989First African American president elected, Walter Massey.

1989 – 2001Richard S. Nicholson, Executive Officer.

1995 – 2000Floyd E. Bloom, editor of "Science.".

1997William T. Golden Center for Science and Engineering at 12th Street and New York Avenue was dedicated, Washington (D.C.).

2000 – 2008Donald Kennedy, editor of "Science.".

2001 – 2013Alan I. Leshner, Executive Officer.

2008 – 2013Bruce Alberts, editor of "Science.".

2013 – presentMarcia McNutt, editor of "Science.".



Philadelphia (Pa.)


Washington (D.C.)


Science -- Societies, etc.

Science. United States.


From the history section of AAAS website.



Employees & Officers

Abel, John Jacob, 1857-1938


Abelson, Philip Hauge

Editor of "Science" who transformed it into the journal it is today and acting Executive Officer.

Adams, Roger, 1889-1971


Agassiz, Louis, 1807-1873

Founding member and President.

Agre, Peter, 1949-


Alberts, Bruce

Editor of "Science."

Alexander, Stephen, 1806-1883


Atkinson, Richard C.


Atwood, Mildred

Editor of "Science."

Avery, Mary Ellen, 1927-2011


Ayala, Francisco José, 1934-


Bache, A. D. (Alexander Dallas), 1806-1867

Founding member and President.

Bailey, Jacob Whitman, 1811-1857


Bailey, L. H. (Liberty Hyde), 1858-1954


Baird, Spencer Fullerton, 1823-1887

First permanent secretary.

Baitsell, George Alfred, 1885-1971

Editor of "Science."

Baltimore, David


Barker, George F. (George Frederick), 1835-1910


Barnard, Frederick A. P. (Frederick Augustus Porter), 1809-1889

President and helped revive the society after the Civil War.

Beadle, George Wells, 1903-1989


Benjamin, Marcus, 1857-1932


Bessey, Charles E. (Charles Edwin), 1845-1915


Bevan, William, 1922-

Executive Officer.

Birkhoff, George David, 1884-1944


Blakeslee, Albert Francis, 1874-1954


Bloom, Floyd E.

Editor of "Science" and President.

Boas, Franz, 1858-1942


Bogorad, Lawrence, 1921-2003


Boulding, Kenneth E. (Kenneth Ewart), 1910-1993


Bowman, Isaiah, 1878-1950


Brinton, Daniel G. (Daniel Garrison), 1837-1899


Brode, Wallace R. (Wallace Reed), 1900-1974


Bromley, D. Allan (David Allan), 1926-2005


Bronk, Detlev W. (Detlev Wulf), 1897-1975


Brush, George Jarvis, 1831-1912


Burbidge, E. Margaret


Campbell, William Wallace, 1862-1938


Cannon, Walter B. (Walter Bradford), 1871-1945


Carey, William D.

Executive Officer.

Carlson, Anton J. (Anton Julius), 1875-1956


Caswell, Alexis, 1799-1877


Cattell, Jacques

Editor of "Science."

Cattell, James McKeen, 1860-1944

Given ownership of "Science" in 1894. He worked out an agreement with the society, turned it into a premier scientific journal and edited it for 50 years and President.

Cattell, Josephine Owen

Editor of "Science."

Chamberlin, Thomas C. (Thomas Chowder), 1843-1928


Chauvenet, William, 1820-1870


Clark, Eloise Elizabeth, 1931-


Colwell, Rita R., 1934-


Compton, Arthur Holly, 1892-1962


Compton, K. T. (Karl Taylor), 1887-1954


Conant, James Bryant, 1893-1978


Condon, Edward Uhler, 1902-1974


Conklin, Edwin Grant, 1863-1952


Cope, E. D. (Edward Drinker), 1840-1897


Coulter, John Merle, 1851-1928


Daddario, Emilio Q. (Emilio Quincy), 1918-2010


Dana, James Dwight, 1813-1895

Founding member and President.

David, Edward E.


Dawson, John William, Sir, 1820-1899


Dresselhaus, M. S.


DuShane, Graham, 1910-1963

Editor of "Science."

Eisenhart, Luther Pfahler, 1876-1965

Chair, Section A (Mathematics) and Vice-President.

Eliot, Charles William, 1834-1926


Eyring, Henry, 1901-1981


Eyring, Henry, 1919-1982


Farlow, W. G. (William Gilson), 1844-1919


Federoff, Nina V.


Flexner, Simon, 1863-1946


Foster, J. W. (John Wells), 1815-1873


Frauenfelder, Hans, 1922-

Chair, Section on Physics.

Friedman, Herbert, 1916-2000

Vice-President and Chair, Section on Physics.

Gates, S. James

Member, Committee on Opportunities in Science and Fellow.

Gibbons, John H., 1929-2015

Member, Board of Directors.

Gibbs, Wolcott, 1822-1908

Founding member and President.

Gilbert, Grove Karl, 1843-1918


Gill, Theodore, 1837-1914


Glass, Bentley, 1906-2005

Editor of "Science" and President.

Good, Mary L., 1931-


Goodale, George L. (George Lincoln), 1839-1923


Gould, Benjamin Apthorp, 1824-1896

Founding member and President.

Gould, Laurence McKinley, 1896-1995


Gould, Stephen Jay


Gray, Asa, 1810-1888


Greenwood, M. R. C.


Gross, Paul M.


Hall, Asaph, 1829-1907


Hall, James, 1811-1898


Hamburg, David A., 1925-


Harkness, William, 1837-1903


Harrison, Anna J.


Henley, Ernest M.

Chair, Physics Section.

Henry, Joseph, 1797-1878

Founding member and President.

Hilgard, J. E. (Julius Erasmus), 1825-1891


Hodges, N. D. C. (Nathaniel Dana Carlile), 1852-1927

Editor of "Science."

Holdren, John P.


Howard, L. O. (Leland Ossian), 1857-1950

Executive Officer and President.

Huang, Alice S.


Hunt, Thomas Sterry, 1826-1892


Jackson, Shirley Ann, 1946-


Jaffe, Arthur, 1937-

Chair, Mathematics Section.

Jordan, David Starr, 1851-1931


Kennedy, Donald, 1931-

Editor of "Science."

Kettering, Charles Franklin, 1876-1958.


Klopsteg, Paul E. (Paul Ernest), 1889-


Koshland, Daniel

Editor of "Science."

Langenberg, D. N., 1932-


Langley, S. P. (Samuel Pierpont), 1834-1906


Langmuir, Irving, 1881-1957


Lea, Isaac, 1792-1886


Leake, Chauncey Depew, 1896-1978


LeConte, John L. (John Lawrence), 1825-1883


LeConte, Joseph, 1823-1901


Lederman, Leon M.


Leshner, Alan I., 1944-

Executive Officer.

Lesley, J. P. (J. Peter), 1819-1903


Livingston, Burton E. (Burton Edward), 1875-1948

Executive Officer.

Lovering, Joseph, 1813-1892

Two terms as Executive Officer and President.

Lubchenco, Jane


Marsh, Othniel Charles, 1831-1899


Massey, Walter E.


Mather, Kirtley F. (Kirtley Fletcher), 1888-1978


McCarthy, James J.


McElroy, William David, 1917-


McGee, W. J., 1853-1912


McMurrich, J. Playfair (James Playfair), 1859-1939


McNutt, Marcia Kemper, 1952-

Editor of "Science."

Mead, Margaret, 1901-1978


Mendenhall, Thomas C. (Thomas Corwin), 1841-1924


Meyerhoff, Howard A. (Howard Augustus), 1899-

Editor of "Science" and Executive Officer.

Michels, John (Journalist)

Editor of "Science."

Michelson, Albert A. (Albert Abraham), 1852-1931


Millikan, Robert Andrews, 1868-1953


Minot, Charles Sedgwick, 1852-1914


Mitchell, Wesley C. (Wesley Clair), 1874-1948


Moore, Eliakim Hastings, 1862-1932


Morgan, Lewis Henry, 1818-1881


Morgan, Thomas Hunt, 1866-1945


Morley, Edward Williams, 1838-1923


Morse, Edward Sylvester, 1838-1925


Mosteller, Frederick, 1916-2006


Moulton, Forest Ray, 1872-1952

Executive Officer.

Newberry, J. S. (John Strong), 1822-1892


Newcomb, Simon, 1835-1909


Newton, H. A. (Hubert Anson), 1830-1896


Nichols, E. L. (Edward Leamington), 1854-1937


Nicholson, Richard S.

Executive Officer.

Noyes, Arthur A. (Arthur Amos), 1866-1936


Omenn, Gilbert S.


Orton, Edward, 1829-1899


Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 1857-1935


Park, Thomas, 1908-1968


Pegram, George Braxton, 1876-1958

Vice President.

Peirce, Benjamin, 1809-1880

Founding member and President.

Pickering, Edward C. (Edward Charles), 1846-1919


Piel, Gerard


Powell, John Wesley, 1834-1902


Prescott, A. B. (Albert Benjamin), 1832-1905


Press, William H.


Price, Don Krasher


Pupin, Michael, 1858-1935


Putnam, F. W. (Frederic Ward), 1839-1915

Two terms as Executive Officer and President.

Ramsey, Norman, 1915-2011

Chair, Section B -- Physics.

Raven, Peter H.


Redfield, W. C. (William C.), 1789-1857

First President.

Rees, Mina Spiegel, 1902-


Remsen, Ira, 1846-1927


Revelle, Roger, 1909-1991


Richards, Theodore W. (Theodore William), 1868-1928


Richardson, Robert C. (Robert Coleman), 1937-2013

Fellow and Member, Board of Directors.

Richmond, Geraldine (Geraldine L.), 1953-

Fellow; and Chair-Elect/Chair/Former Chair, Chemistry Section.

Richtmyer, F. K. (Floyd Karker), 1881-1939

Vice President, Section B.

Rieser, Leonard M.

President and Chair, Committee on Scientific Freedom and Responsibility.

Roberts, Walter Orr


Rogers, Henry D. (Henry Darwin), 1808-1866

Founding member.

Rogers, William Barton, 1804-1882

Founding member and President.

Roller, Duane E. (Duane Emerson), 1894-1965

Editor of "Science."

Romer, Alfred Sherwood, 1894-1973


Roos, Charles Frederick, 1901-1958

Executive Officer.

Rowland, F. S.


Russell, Henry Norris, 1877-1957


Schiffer, John P.

Member, Council; Chair, Section B (Physics); and Fellow.

Scudder, Samuel Hubbard, 1837-1911

Editor of "Science."

Seaborg, Glenn T. (Glenn Theodore), 1912-1999


Sears, Paul B. (Paul Bigelow), 1891-1990


Shapley, Harlow, 1885-1972


Sharp, Phillip A.


Sinnott, Edmund W. (Edmund Ware), 1888-1958


Smith, J. Lawrence (John Lawrence), 1818-1883


Snyder, Laurence H. (Laurence Hasbrouck), 1901-1986


Spilhaus, Athelstan


Stakman, E. C. (Elvin Charles), 1885-1979


Thorndike, Edward L. (Edward Lee), 1874-1949


Torrey, John, 1796-1873


Trivelpiece, Alvin W., 1931-

Executive Officer.

Valentine, Willard Lee, 1904-1947

Editor of "Science."

Van Hise, Charles Richard, 1857-1918


Walcott, Charles D. (Charles Doolittle), 1850-1927


Ward, Henry B.

Executive Officer.

Waterman, Alan Tower, 1892-1967


Weaver, Warren, 1894-1978


Welch, William Henry, 1850-1934


Wheeler, John Archibald, 1911-2008

Member, Board of Directors.

Widnall, S. E. (Sheila E.)


Wilson, Edmund B. (Edmund Beecher), 1856-1939


Wolfle, Dael, 1906-2002

Executive Officer.

Woodward, C. M. (Calvin Milton), 1837-1914


Woodward, Robert Simpson, 1849-1924


Wright, Carroll D. (Carroll Davidson), 1840-1909


Wyman, Jeffries, 1814-1874


Young, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1834-1908


Associates & Members

Adler, Stephen L.

Ahlers, G. (Günter)

Alivisatos, P.

Anderson, A. G. (Arthur George), 1926-

Aronson, Samuel, 1942-

Ashkin, Arthur, 1922-

Aspnes, D. E.

Austin, Robert H.

Awschalom, D. (David)

Awarded 2006 Newcomb Cleveland Prize.

Baym, Gordon


Bennett, Charles L. (Charles Leonard), 1956-

Benton, George Stock, 1917-

Berlincourt, T. G.


Bird, R. Byron (Robert Byron), 1924-


Birge, Raymond T. (Raymond Thayer), 1887-

Bollinger, Lowell M. (Lowell Moyer)

Borras, Catherine

Brattain, Walter H. (Walter Houser), 1902-1987

Brenner, Howard

Brooks, Harvey

1993 Philip Hauge Abelson Prize Recipient.

Brown, F. C. (Fay Cluff), 1881-

Browne, John C.

Buchta, J. W. (J. William), 1895-1966

Bugher, John C.

Byer, R. L. (Robert L.), 1942-

Campbell, David K.


Carmichael, Leonard, 1898-1973

Chu, Ching-wu, 1941-

Clarke, John, 1942-


Cocke, C. Lewis

Cooper, Leon N. (Leon Neil), 1930-

Coppersmith, Susan Nan

Coppi, B.

Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

Made his first appearance before a U.S. scientific association at the 1934 meeting.

Feher, George, 1924-

Fillmore, Millard, 1800-1874


Fleury, Paul A.

Franklin, Deborah, 1957-

Galt, John Kirtland, 1920-

Geller, Margaret J.

Gell-Mann, Murray

Gibbes, Lewis Reeves, 1810-1894

Glashow, Sheldon L.

Golden, William T., 1909-2007

Gordon, Bonnie Bilyeu

Gordon, William Edwin, 1918-2010

Gossard, A. C.

2006 Newcomb Cleveland Prize Recipient.

Greene, Laura H.


Hale, George Ellery, 1868-1938

Haxton, Wick C.

Herring, William Conyers, 1914-

Hohenberg, Pierre C.


Hutchisson, Elmer, 1902-

Jin, Deborah S.


Johnson, Peter D., 1952-


Kranzberg, Melvin

Kulstad, Ruth, 1934-

Lagally, Max G.


Laughlin, Robert B.

Loeb, Leonard B. (Leonard Benedict), 1891-

Louie, Steven G., 1949-


Lubensky, T. C.


Marcus, Rudolph A. (Rudolph Arthur), 1923-


McCuskey, S. W. (Sidney Wilcox)

Menard, Henry W. (Henry William), 1920-1986

Miller, Dayton Clarence, 1866-1941

Millis, Andrew J.

Mitchell, Maria, 1818-1889

First woman member in 1850.

Morris, Margaretta Hare, 1797-1867


Murnane, Margaret


Murray, Cherry Ann

Nussbaum, Hans

Palmer, Frederic, 1878-1967

Panofsky, Wolfgang K. H. (Wolfgang Kurt Hermann), 1919-2007

Patel, C. Kumar N.

Perlmutter, Saul


Phelps, Lincoln, Mrs., 1793-1884


Phillips, Julia M.

Phillips, Melba, 1907-2004

Pinczuk, Aron

Poskanzer, A. M. (Arthur M.), 1931-


Raney, William P.

Ratchford, J. Thomas

Reines, Frederick, 1918-1998


Schawlow, Arthur L., 1921-1999

Schiff, Leonard I. (Leonard Isaac), 1915-1971

Schmidt, Brian, 1967-

Schmidt and the High-z Supernova Search Team's discovery was named Breakthrough of the Year by Science Magazine (1998).

Scribner, Richard A.

Shank, C. V. (Charles V.)

Shankland, Robert S., 1908-

Shapiro, Irwin I.

Shaw, A. Norman

Silliman, Benjamin, 1816-1885

Founding Member.

Steitz, Thomas A.

Awarded the AAAS Newcomb Cleveland Prize (2001).

Swinney, H. L., 1939-


Taylor, Raymond L. (Raymond Leech), 1901-

Thoreau, Henry David, 1817-1862


Thorne, Kip S.


Tsuei, Chang C.


Tsui, D. C. (Daniel Chee), 1939-

Van Vleck, J. H. (John Hasbrouck), 1899-1980

Washington, Warren M.


Weeks, John David

White, Marge

Wiener, Norbert, 1894-1964

Wilczek, Frank


Zewail, Ahmed H.



Institutional Hierarchy

Association of American Geologists

Established in 1840. Name used from 1840 to 1842.

Association of American Geologists and Naturalists

Name used from 1842-1848.


American Association of Physics Teachers

Held joint meetings with them and used their meeting as the place to form the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT).

American Astronomical Society

Have held joint meetings.

American Bar Association

Co-sponsored the National Conference of Lawyers and Scientists (NCLS).

American Physical Society

Have held joint meetings.

Asociación Interciencia

Served as executive secretariat (1975-1993).

Carnegie Institution of Washington

Co-sponsored conference evaluating President Carter's National Energy Plan.

Mitre Corporation

Co-sponsored conference evaluating President Carter's National Energy Plan.

Optical Society of America

First meeting sponsored by American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS).


Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia

Location of the first meeting to found the society.

Alabama Academy of Science

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

American Institute of Physics

Carnegie Corporation of New York

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

National Science Foundation (U.S.)

New Jersey Academy of Science

Oregon Academy of Sciences

Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters


Archival Resources


AAAS Board of Directors and Council records.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

1202 New York Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20005, USA

AAAS Climate Program records, 1971-1990.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

1202 New York Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20005, USA

AAAS Committee on Arid Lands records, 1972-1989.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

1201 New York Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20005, USA

AAAS Committee on Industry, Technology, and Science records.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

1208 New York Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20005, USA

AAAS Committee on Science in the Promotion of Human Welfare Records.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

1209 New York Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20005, USA

AAAS Cultural Factors in Population Programs records, 1973-1985.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

1203 New York Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20005, USA

AAAS Population, Resources, and Environment Program records, 1974-1989.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

1204 New York Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20005, USA

AAAS Regional Science Centers Program records.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

1210 New York Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20005, USA

AAAS Science, Arms Control and National Security records, 1981-1991.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

1200 New York Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20005, USA

AAAS Science, Technology, and Development records, 1978-1987.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

1206 New York Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20005, USA

AIP Joint Publishing Projects miscellaneous publications, 1959-1997.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

American Association for the Advancement of Science membership and meetings records, 1848-2005.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

1207 New York Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20005, USA

International Oceanographic Congress tape recordings, August 31-September 11, 1959 [sound recording].


Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Mail Code C-075-C. La Jolla, CA 92093-0175, USA

Richard A. Scribner files.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

1205 New York Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20005, USA


A. Norman Shaw papers, 1921-1939.

University Archives

University of Toronto

120 St. George St., Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A5, Canada

Alabama Academy of Science records, 1923-1991.

Ralph B. Draughon Library, Department of Archives

Auburn University

Auburn, AL 36849, USA

Alan Tower Waterman papers, 1918-1967 (bulk 1940-1963).

Manuscript Division

Library of Congress

James Madison Memorial Building, First Street and Independence Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20540, USA

American Geophysical Union records, 1919-1965.

National Academy of Sciences

2101 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20418, USA

Bonnie Bilyeu Gordon files.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

1200 New York Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20005, USA

Catherine Borras files, 1937-1986.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

1202 New York Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20005, USA

Dayton C. Miller papers, 1887-1939.


Case Western Reserve University

10900 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44106-7229, USA

Deborah Franklin files, 1981-1985.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

1200 New York Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20005, USA

Edward Condon papers, circa 1920-1974.


American Philosophical Society

105 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA

F. C. Brown papers 1902-1964.

Archives Center

Smithsonian Institution. National Museum of American History

MRC 601, 12th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20560, USA

F. R. Moulton files.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

1201 New York Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20005, USA

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory records of Leon M. Lederman, 1962-[ongoing].

Milton G. White History of Accelerators Room (WH-3SE) and Archives (WH-16NE)


PO Box 500, Batavia, IL 90510, USA

George Ellery Hale papers [microform], 1882-1938.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

George S. Benton papers, 1950-1989.

Special Collections, Milton S. Eisenhower Library

Johns Hopkins University

3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218, USA

Hans Nussbaum files, 1917-1988.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

1205 New York Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20005, USA

Henry N. Russell correspondence [microform], 1890-1950.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Henry William Menard papers, 1938-1986 (bulk 1960-1986).


Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Mail Code C-075-C. La Jolla, CA 92093-0175, USA

Irwin I. Shapiro papers, circa 1960-1990.

Smithsonian Institution. Archives.

Capital Gallery, Suite 3000, MRC 507, 600 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20024-2520, USA

J. Thomas Ratchford files, 1972-1988.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

1206 New York Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20005, USA

J. W. Buchta papers, 1924-1966.

University Archives

University of Minnesota

Andersen Library, Minneapolis, MN, USA

James McKeen Cattell papers, 1835-1948 (bulk 1896-1948).

Manuscript Division

Library of Congress

James Madison Memorial Building, First Street and Independence Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20540, USA

John C. Bugher papers, 1926-1966 (bulk 1950-1966).

Rockefeller Archive Center

15 Dayton Ave., Pocantico Hills, North Tarrytown, NY 10591-1598, USA

Joseph Henry papers, 1808-1903.

Smithsonian Institution. Archives.

Capital Gallery, Suite 3000, MRC 507, 600 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20024-2520, USA

Leonard Carmichael papers, circa 1917-1973.


American Philosophical Society

105 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA

Lewis Reeves Gibbes papers, 1793-1894 (bulk 1838-1894).

Manuscript Division

Library of Congress

James Madison Memorial Building, First Street and Independence Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20540, USA

Marge White files.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

1203 New York Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20005, USA

Melvin Kranzberg papers, 1934-1988.

Archives Center

Smithsonian Institution. National Museum of American History

MRC 601, 12th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20560, USA

MIT Office of the President records, 1972-1990.

Institute Archives and Special Collections

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

M.I.T. Libraries, Rm. 14N-118, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

New Jersey Academy of Science records, 1951-1979.

Libraries. Special Collections and Archives

Rutgers University

New Brunswick, NJ 08903, USA

Norbert Wiener papers, 1898-1966.

Institute Archives and Special Collections

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

M.I.T. Libraries, Rm. 14N-118, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

Oral history interview with Harlow Shapley, 1966 June 8 and August 25.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Melba Newell Phillips, 1977 December 5.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Paul E. Klopsteg, 1970 March 31.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Warren M. Washington, 1998 October 28 and 29.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oregon Academy of Sciences records, 1943-1965.


Oregon Historical Society

1230 S.W. Park Avenue Portland, OR 97205, USA

Paul E. Klopsteg papers, 1905-1991.

University Archives

Northwestern University

Evanston, IL 60201, USA

Philadelphia local committee records, 1883-1898.

Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia

Library, 19th Street and the Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19103, USA

Raymond L. Taylor files.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

1204 New York Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20005, USA

Raymond Thayer Birge papers, 1909-1969.

The Bancroft Library

University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley, CA, 94720-6000, USA

Roger Adams papers, 1900-1971.

University Archives

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

1408 West Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801, USA

Ruth Kulstad files, 1978-1985.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

1200 New York Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20005, USA

Sidney W. McCuskey papers, 1934-1975.


Case Western Reserve University

10900 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44106-7229, USA

The development of astrophysics as a research field in the 20th century: paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science's George Ellery Hale Centennial Symposium, Dallas, 1968.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters records, 1908-[ongoing].

Utah State Historical Society

Salt Lake City, UT, USA

William B. Rogers papers, 1804-1911.

Institute Archives and Special Collections

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

M.I.T. Libraries, Rm. 14N-118, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

William D. Carey files.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

1200 New York Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20005, USA

William E. Gordon papers, 1947-1994.

Fondren Library. Woodson Research Center.

Rice University

P. O. Box 1892, Houston, TX 77001, USA

William T. Golden papers, 1946-2007.

Rare Book and Manuscript Library

Columbia University

Butler Library, 6th Floor East, New York, NY 10027, USA

Wolfgang Panofsky papers, 1934-2007.

National Accelerator Laboratory. Archives and History Office

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)

2575 Sand Hill Road, MS 97, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA

Published Resources


AAAS handbook

AAAS report XXVIII : research and development, FY 2004 / Intersociety Working Group

AAAS science and technology policy yearbook

AAAS science film catalog / Ann Seltz-Petrash, project editor and compiler and Kathryn Wolff, managing editor, AAAS Publications Program ; prepared with the assistance of the National Science Foundation

American Association for the Advancement of Science : summarized proceedings June, 1929 to January, 1934, volumes LXXXII to LXXXVI : including a chapter on the background and origing of the Association and a directory of fellows and other members


Sciences in Communist China; a symposium presented at the New York meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, December 26-27, 1960. Edited by Sidney [i.e. Sydney] H. Gould

Summarized proceedings and a directory of members / American Association for the Advancement of Science

The AAAS science book list; a selected and annotated list of science and mathematics books for secondary school students, college undergraduates and nonspecialists. Compiled by Hilary J. Deason

The present state of physics : a symposium presented on December 30, 1949, at the New York meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science / arr. by Frederick S. Brackett

The sciences in the American context : new perspectives / edited by Nathan Reingold


A chronology of scientific development, 1848-1948 [by] K. Lark-Horovitz and Eleanor Carmichael, comp. for the centennial celebration of the American Assn. for the Advancement of Science, Washington, Sept. 13-17, 1948

An archival and information services program for the American Association for the Advancement of Science [by] Richard H. Lytle

The formation of the American scientific community : the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1848-60 [by] Sally Gregory Kohlstedt