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October 2, 1938 – present
Authorized Form of Name
White, Robert M., 1938-
Additional Forms of Names
White, R. M. (Robert M.), 1938-
Robert White is University Professor Emeritus at Carnegie Mellon University (2004-present). Other institutional affiliations include Control Data Corporation, Xerox Corporation, and Stanford University. His research interests include magnetic phenomena and spin-dependent tunneling, and is also interested in the impact of government policies on the technology innovation process.
October 2, 1938Birth, Reading (Pa.).
1960Obtained BS in Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge (Mass.).
1964Obtained PhD in Physics, Stanford University, Stanford (Calif.).
1966 – 1970Assistant Professor of Physics, Stanford University.
1972 – 1984Principal Scientist, Xerox Corporation, Norwalk (Conn.).
1975 – 1990Consulting Professor of Applied Physics, Stanford University.
1984 – 1990Vice President, Data Storage Products (1984-1987) and Vice President and Chief Technical Officer (1987-1990), Control Data Corporation, Minneapolis (Minn.).
1987 – 1990Vice Chair, Commission on Magnetism, International Union of Pure and Applied Physics.
1990 – 1993Member, National Advisory Committee on Semiconductors.
1990 – 1993Undersecretary for Technology, United States Department of Commerce.
1993 – presentUniversity Professor (1993-2004); Head, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (1993-1999); Director, Data Storage Systems Center (1999-2004); and University Professor Emeritus (2004-present), Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh (Pa.).
2002 – 2004Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Data Storage Institute, Agency for Science Technology and Research, Singapore.
2004Awarded George E. Pake Prize, American Physical Society.
2004 – presentExecutive Director, Center for Magnetic Nanotechnology (2004-present) and Consulting Professor of Materials Science and Engineering (2004-present), Stanford University.
Electrical engineer.
Applied physics and engineering.
Physics -- Industrial applications.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Fairbank, William Martin, 1917-1989
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Hänsch, T. W. (Theo W.), 1941-
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Carnegie-Mellon University.
Meyerhof, Walter E. (Walter Ernst), 1922-
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Carnegie-Mellon University.
Schawlow, Arthur L., 1921-1999
Both employed at Stanford University.
Schiff, Leonard I. (Leonard Isaac), 1915-1971
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Both employed at Stanford University.
Carnegie-Mellon University. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University Professor of Electrical Engineering; Department Head; Director, Data Storage Systems Center; and University Professor Emeritus.
Carnegie-Mellon University. Department of Engineering and Public Policy
University Professor of Engineering and Public Policy and University Professor Emeritus.
Control Data Corporation
Vice President, Data Storage Products and Vice President and Chief Technical Officer.
Stanford University. Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Consulting Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Executive Director, Center for Magnetic Nanotechnology.
Stanford University. Department of Physics
Obtained PhD (1964). Assistant Professor of Physics.
United States. Department of Commerce
Undersecretary for Technology.
Xerox Corporation
Principal Scientist.
Received 2004 George E. Pake Prize.
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
Vice Chair, Commission on Magnetism.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physics
Obtained BS (1960).
Singapore. Agency for Science, Technology and Research
Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Data Storage Institute.
Stanford University. Department of Applied Physics
Consulting Professor of Applied Physics.
United States. National Advisory Committee on Semiconductors