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April 6, 1949 – present
Authorized Form of Name
Störmer, Horst
Horst Störmer is the I. I. Rabi Professor of Physics at Columbia University. His other institutional affiliations include University of Stuttgart and Bell Laboratories. He was awarded the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics with Daniel Tsui and Robert Laughlin.
April 6, 1949Birth, Frankfurt am Main (Germany).
1974Obtained Diplom in Physics, University of Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (Germany).
1977Physicist, High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Max Plank Institute for Solid State Research (Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung).
1977Obtained PhD in Physics, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart (Germany).
1977 – 1983Consultant (1977-1978) and Member, Technical Staff (1978-1983), Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill (N.J.).
1983 – 1997Head, Department for Electronic and Optical Properties of Solids (1983-1991) and Director, Physical Research Laboratory (1991-1997), AT & T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill (N.J.).
1984Awarded Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize, American Physical Society.
1998Awarded Nobel Prize in Physics with Daniel Tsui and Robert Laughlin "for their discovery of a new form of quantum fluid with fractionally charged excitations".
1998 – presentProfessor of Physics and Applied Physics (1998-2006) and I. I. Rabi Professor of Physics (2006-present), Columbia University, New York (N.Y.).
Condensed matter physicist.
Stormer, Dominique Parchet
Stormer, Heinz
Discovered a new form of quantum fluid with fractionally charged excitations and shared the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics along with Daniel Tsui "for their discovery of a new form of quantum fluid with fractionally charged excitations". Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Tsui, D. C. (Daniel Chee), 1939-
Discovered a new form of quantum fluid with fractionally charged excitations and shared the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics along with Robert Laughlin "for their discovery of a new form of quantum fluid with fractionally charged excitations". Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at AT & T Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Anderson, P. W. (Philip W.), 1923-
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Brinkman, William F. (William Frank), 1938-
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at AT & T Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at AT & T Bell Laboratories.
Eisenstein, James P. (James Philip)
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at AT & T Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at AT & T Bell Laboratories.
Herring, William Conyers, 1914-
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at AT & T Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Lee, P. A. (Patrick A.), 1946-
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at AT & T Bell Laboratories and Columbia University.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at AT & T Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Columbia University and Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Thomas, D. G. (David Gilbert), 1928-
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Columbia University.
Both employed at AT & T Bell Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Laboratories.
Sarma, Sankar Das, 1953-
Head, Department of Electronic and Optical Properties of Solids and Director, Physical Research Laboratory.
Director, Physical Research Laboratory.
Consultant; Member, Technical staff; and Head, Department for Electronic and Optical Properties of Solids.
Columbia University. Department of Physics
I. I. Rabi Professor of Physics and Professor of Physics and Applied Physics.
Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung
Physicist, High Magnetic Field Laboratory.
Received 1984 Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize.
Universität Frankfurt am Main
Obtained Diplom in Physics (1974).
Universität Stuttgart
Obtained PhD in Physics (1977).