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August 24, 1939 – present
Authorized Form of Name
Bowman, J. D. (J. David)
Additional Forms of Names
Bowman, J. David
J. David Bowman researches medium energy physics, pion nucleus interaction, muon decay, and symmetry principles. His institutional affiliations include Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
August 24, 1939Birth, White Plains (N.Y.).
1961Obtained BS, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena (Calif.).
1967Obtained PhD in Physics and Mathematics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena (Calif.).
1967 – 1968Research Fellow, Nuclear and Solid State Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena (Calif.).
1968 – 1970Professor of Nuclear Physics, University of Bonn (Universität Bonn).
1970 – 1973Research Fellow in Nuclear Chemistry, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
1973 – 1993Staff Member, Nuclear Physics, Meson Physics Facility (1973-1993) and Staff Member, Physics Division (1993-2002), Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos (N.M.).
2002Awarded Tom W. Bonner Prize in Nuclear Physics, American Physical Society.
2002 – presentStaff Member, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge (Tenn.).
Nuclear physicist.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.
Anderson, Carl D. (Carl David), 1905-1991
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Bacher, Robert F. (Robert Fox), 1905-2004
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Barish, B. C. (Barry Clark), 1936-
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
Clauser, John F. (John Francis), 1942-
Both employed at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
Both employed at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Both employed at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
DuBridge, Lee A. (Lee Alvin), 1901-1994
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.
DuMond, Jesse W. M. (Jesse William Monroe), 1892-1976
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Edwards, David F. (David Franklin)
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Feigenbaum, Mitchell, 1944-2019
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Feynman, Richard P. (Richard Phillips), 1918-1988
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Gould, Roy W. (Roy Walter), 1927-
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
Both employed at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Hellwarth, Robert Willis, 1930-2021
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Keyworth, George A., II, 1939-
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Lauritsen, Charles Christian, 1892-1968
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
McMillan, Edwin M. (Edwin Mattison), 1907-
Both employed at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Poskanzer, A. M. (Arthur M.), 1931-
Both employed at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
Robertson, R. G. Hamish, 1943-
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Stephens, F. S. (Frank Samuel)
Both employed at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
Both employed at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.
Both employed at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
California Institute of Technology. Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy
Obtained BS (1961) and PhD in Physics and Mathematics (1967). Research Fellow, Nuclear and Solid State Physics.
Research Fellow in Nuclear Chemistry.
Research Fellow in Nuclear Chemistry (Berkeley campus).
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Staff Member, Nuclear Physics, Meson Physics Facility and Staff Member, Physics Division.
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
Staff Member, Nuclear Physics, Meson Physics Facility.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Staff Member.
Universität Bonn. Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik
Professor of Nuclear Physics.
Fellow and received 2002 Tom W. Bonner Prize in Nuclear Physics.