Bibliography: Discovery of Global Warming
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The Discovery of Global Warming                            April 2024

This bibliography may seem long (more than 3000 items), but it has a great many omissions. Please see the discussion of sources. Note in particular that the IPCC reports have far more complete bibliographies. Nearly all, but not all, of the items below are referenced somewhere on this website. N.b. this bibliography omits many items referenced in the notes which appeared on the Web but not in print. Most are available only through URLs that are sometimes unfortunately ephemeral. (Most of them were accessed not long after they were posted.) Clever searching may be able to find them under another URL There is a bibliography by year through 2001. A short list of historical works is here.

Abbreviations used in the notes in the essays:
AIP: Niels Bohr Library at the American Institute of Physics, College Park, MD
LDEO: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY
SIO: Scripps Institution of Oceanography Archives, La Jolla, CA

Abarbanel, Albert, and Thomas McCluskey (1950). "Is the World Getting Warmer?" Saturday Evening Post, 1 July, pp. 22-23, 57-63.

Abatzoglou, John T., and A. Park Williams (2016). "Impact of Anthropogenic Climate Change on Wildfire across Western US Forests." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113: 11770-75 [].

Abbott, Benjamin W., et al. (2016). "Biomass Offsets Little or None of Permafrost Carbon Release from Soils, Streams, and Wildfire: An Expert Assessment." Environmental Research Letters 11: 034014 [doi:10.1088-1748-9326-11-3-034014].

Abbot, Charles G., and F.E. Fowle, Jr. (1908). "Income and Outgo of Heat from the Earth, and the Dependence of Its Temperature Thereon." Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory (Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC) 2: 159-176.

Abbot, Charles G., and F.E. Fowle, Jr. (1913). "Volcanoes and Climate." Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 60(29): 1-24.

Abbot, Charles G. (1967). "Precipitation in Five Continents." Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 151(5).

Abelmann, Andrea, et al. (2006). "Extensive Phytoplankton Blooms in the Atlantic Sector of the Glacial Southern Ocean." Paleoceanography 21: PA1013 [doi:10.1029/2005PA001199, 2006].

Abelson, P.H. (1977). "Energy and Climate." Science 197: 941.

Abe-Ouchi, Ayako, et al. (2013). "Insolation-Driven 100,000-Year Glacial Cycles and Hysteresis of Ice-Sheet Volume." Nature 500: 190-93 [doi:10.1038/nature12374].

Abel, Guy J., et al. (2019). "Climate, Conflict and Forced Migration." Global Environmental Change 54: 239-49 [].

Abetti, Giorgio (1957). The Sun. New York: Macmillan.

Abraham, J.P., et al. (2013). "A Review of Global Ocean Temperature Observations: Implications for Ocean Heat Content Estimates and Climate Change." Reviews of Geophysics 51: 450-83 [doi:10.1002/rog.20022].

Abrams, Jesse F., et al. (2023). "Committed Global Warming Risks Triggering Multiple Climate Tipping Points." Earth's Future 11: e2022EF003250 [].

Achermann, Dania (2020). "Vertical Glaciology: The Second Discovery of the Third Dimension in Climate Research." Centaurus 62: 720-43 [], online here.

Ackerman, Andrew S., et al. (2000). "Effects of Aerosols on Cloud Albedo: Evaluation of Twomey's Parameters of Cloud Susceptibility Using Measurements of Ship Tracks." J. Atmospheric Sciences 57: 2684-95.

Ackerman, Frank, et al. (2009). "Limitations of Integrated Assessment Models of Climate Change." Climatic Change 95: 297-315 [doi:10.1007/s10584-009-9570-x].

Adabashev, I. (1966). Global Engineering. Moscow: Progress.

Adem, Julian (1965). "Experiments Aiming at Monthly and Seasonal Numerical Weather Prediction." Monthly Weather Review 93: 495-503.

Adler, Jerry (2007). "Moment of Truth." Newsweek (April 16), pp. 45-48.

Ager, Derek (1993). The New Catastrophism: The Importance of the Rare Event in Geological History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Agrawala, Shardul (1997). "Explaining the Evolution of the IPCC Structure and Process." ENRP Discussion Paper E-97-05, Cambridge, MA, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

Agrawala, Shardul (1998a). "Context and Early Origins of the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change." Climatic Change 39: 605-20.

Agrawala, Shardul (1998b). "Structural and Process History of the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change." Climatic Change 39: 621-42.

Agrawala, Shardul (1999a). "Early Science-Policy Interactions in Global Climate Change: Lessons from the Advisory Group on Greenhouse Gases." Global Environmental Change 9(2): 157-69.

Agrawala, Shardul (1999b). Science Advisory Mechanisms in Multilateral Decisionmaking: Three Models from the Global Climate Change Regime. Diss., Princeton University.

Ahlmann, H.W. (1952). "Glacier Variations and Climatic Fluctuations." Bowman Memorial Lectures, American Geographical Society Ser. 3, no. 1.

Ahmed, Moinuddin, et al. (2013). "Continental-Scale Temperature Variability During the Past Two Millennia." Nature Geoscience 6: 339-46 [doi:10.1038/ngeo1797].

Ai, Xuyuan E., et al. (2020). "Southern Ocean Upwelling, Earth's Obliquity, and Glacial-Interglacial Atmospheric CO2 Change " Science 370: 1348-52 [doi:10.1126/science.abd2115].

Aitken, A. R. A., et al. (2016). "Repeated Large-Scale Retreat and Advance of Totten Glacier Indicated by Inland Bed Erosion." Nature 533: 385-89 [doi:10.1038/nature17447].

Aklin, Michaël, and Matto Mildenberger (2020). "Prisoners of the Wrong Dilemma: Why Distributive Conflict, Not Collective Action, Characterizes the Politics of Climate Change." Global Environmental Politics 20: 4-27 [doi:10.1162/glep_a_00578].

Albrecht, Bruce A. (1989). "Aerosols, Cloud Microphysics, and Fractional Cloudiness." Science 245: 1227-30.

Aldrich, L.B., and W.H. Hoover (1954). Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory, Smithsonian Institution 7: 1-184.

Alexander, Tom (1974). "Ominous Changes in the World's Weather." Fortune, Feb., pp. 90-95, 142-52.

Allen, M. (2003). "Liability for Climate Change." Nature 421: 891-892 [doi:10.1038/421891a].

Allen, M.R., et al. (2006). "Quantifying Anthropogenic Influence on Recent near-Surface Temperature Change." Surveys in Geophysics 27: 491-544 [doi:10.1007/s10712-006-9011-6].

Allen, Myles R., et al. (2009). "Warming Caused by Cumulative Carbon Emissions Towards the Trillionth Tonne." Nature 458: 1163-66 [doi:10.1038/nature08019], online here.

Allen, Robert J., and Steven C. Sherwood (2008). "Warming Maximum in the Tropical Upper Troposphere Deduced from Thermal Wind." Nature Geoscience 1: 399 403 [doi:10.1038/ngeo208].

Alley, Richard B., et al. (1993). "Abrupt Increase in Snow Accumulation at the End of the Younger Dryas Event." Nature 362: 527-29.

Alley, Richard B., et al. (1995). "Comparison of Deep Ice Cores." Nature 373: 393-94.

Alley, Richard B. (1998). "Palaeoclimatology: Icing the North Atlantic." Nature 392: 335-37.

Alley, Richard B. (2000). The Two-Mile Time Machine. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Alley, Richard B., et al. (2003). "Abrupt Climate Change." Science 299: 205-10 [doi:10.1126/science.1081056].

Alley, Richard B., et al. (2005). "Ice-Sheet and Sea-Level Changes." Science 310: 456-60 [doi:10.1126/science.1114613].

Alley, Richard B., et al. (2020). "Twenty-First Century Sea-Level Rise Could Exceed IPCC Projections for Strong-Warming Futures." One Earth 3: 691-703 [].

Alvarez, Luis W., et al. (1980). "Extraterrestrial Cause for the Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction." Science 208: 1095-1108.

Alvarez, Ramón A., et al. (2018). "Assessment of Methane Emissions from the U.S. Oil and Gas Supply Chain." Science 361: 186-88 [doi:10.1126/science.aar7204]

Alvarez, Walter, et al. (1984). "The End of the Cretaceous: Sharp Boundary or Gradual Transition?" Science 223: 1183-86.

American Meteorological Society (2013). "Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective, Special Supplement." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society Vol. 94, no. 9, online here.

American Meteorological Society (Herring, S. C., et al., eds.) (2018). "Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 99: S1-S157, online here.

American Psychological Association, Task Force on the Interface Between Psychology and Global Climate Change (2009). Psychology and Global Climate Change: Addressing a Multi-Faceted Phenomenon and Set of Challenges.

Anagnostou, Eleni, et al. (2016). "Changing Atmospheric CO2 Concentration Was the Primary Driver of Early Cenozoic Climate." Nature 533: 380-84 [doi:10.1038/nature17423].

Andela, N., et al. (2017). "A Human-Driven Decline in Global Burned Area." Science 356: 1356-62 [doi:10.1126/science.aal4108].

Anderegg, William R. L., et al. (2010). "Expert Credibility in Climate Change." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107: [doi:10.1073/pnas.1003187107] Online here.

Anderegg, William R. L., et al. (2015). "Tropical Nighttime Warming as a Dominant Driver of Variability in the Terrestrial Carbon Sink." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112: 15591-96 [doi:10.1073/pnas.1521479112].

Anderegg, William R. L., et al. (2021). "Anthropogenic Climate Change Is Worsening North American Pollen Seasons." Publications of the National Academy of Sciences 118: e2013284118 [].

Anderson, Christopher (1992). "How Much Green in the Greenhouse?" Nature 356: 369.

Anderson, Neil R., and Alexander Malahoff, eds. (1977). The Fate of Fossil Fuel CO2 in the Oceans. New York: Plenum.

Andersen, S.O., et al. (2022). "Setting the Stage for Climate Action under the Montreal Protocol." Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 103 (18 Oct.) [].

Anderson, Kurt (2020). Evil Geniuses. The Unmaking of America: A Recent History. New York: Random House.

Anderson, Theodore L., et al. (2003). "Climate Forcing by Aerosols -- a Hazy Picture." Science 300: 1103-04.

Andreae, Meinrat O. (1996). "Raising Dust in the Greenhouse." Nature 380: 389-90.

Andreae, Meinrat O. (2001). "The Dark Side of Aerosols." Nature 409: 671-72.

Andreae, Meinrat O., et al. (2005). "Strong Present-Day Aerosol Cooling Implies a Hot Future." Nature 435: 1187-90 [doi:10.1038/nature03671].

Andreassen, K., et al. (2017). "Massive Blow-out Craters Formed by Hydrate-Controlled Methane Expulsion from the Arctic Seafloor." Science 356: 948-53 [doi:10.1126/science.aal4500].

Andresen, Steinar, and Shardul Agrawala (2002). "Leaders, Pushers and Laggards in the Making of the Climate Regime." Global Environmental Change 12: 41-51.

Andrews, John T. (2006). "Glaciers, Oceans, Atmosphere and Climate." In Glacier Science and Environmental Change, edited by Peter G. Knight, pp. 96-113. Malden, MA: Blackwell.

Andrews, T., et al. (2012). " Forcing, Feedbacks and Climate Sensitivity in CMIP5 Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Climate Models." Geophysical Research Letters 39: L09712 [doi:10.1029/2012GL051607].

Andrist, Ralph K. (1960). "Footprints of the Great Ice." American Heritage 11, Online here.

Ångström, Anders (1922). "Solar Constant, Sun-Spots and Solar Activity." Astrophysical J. 55: 24-29.

Ångström, Anders (1929). Geografiska Annaler 11: 156-.

Ångström, Anders (1970). "Apparent Solar Constant Variations and Their Relation to the Variability of Atmospheric Transmission." Tellus 22(2): 205-18.

Ångström, Knut (1900). "Über die Bedeutung des Wasserdampfes und der Kohlensaüres bei der Absorption der Erdatmosphäre." Annalen der Physik 4(3): 720-32. published online 308(12): 720-32 (2006) [doi:10.1002/andp.19003081208]

Annan, James D., and Julia C. Hargreaves (2006). "Using Multiple Observationally-Based Constraints to Estimate Climate Sensitivity." Geophysical Research Letters 33: L06704 [doi:10.1029/2005GL025259].

Anthes, Richard (1986). "Summary of Workshop on the NCAR Community Climate/Forecast Models, 14-26 July 1985, Boulder, Colorado." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 67: 194-98.

Antilla, Liisa (2005). "Climate of Scepticism: US Newspaper Coverage of the Science of Climate Change." Global Environmental Change 15: 338-52.

Antilla, Liisa (2008). "Self-Censorship and Science: A Geographical Review of Media Coverage of Climate Tipping Points." Public Understanding of Science 1: 1-17.

Appenzeller, Tim (1991). "Fire and Ice under the Deep-Sea Floor." Science 252: 1790-92.

Appenzeller, Tim, and Dennis R. Dimick (2004). "The Heat Is On." National Geographic, Sept., pp. 12-75.

Arakawa, Akio (1966). "Computational Design for Long-Term Numerical Integration of the Equations of Fluid Motion: Two-Dimensional Incompressible Flow. Part I." J. Computational Physics 1: 119-43 (reprinted J. Comp. Phys. (1997) 135:103-14).

Arakawa, Akio (1970). "Numerical Simulation of Large-Scale Atmospheric Motions." In Numerical Solution of Field Problems in Continuum Physics (SIAM-AMS Conference) Vol. 2, pp. 24-40. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society.

Arakawa, Akio, and Wayne Howard Schubert (1974). "Interaction of a Cumulus Cloud Ensemble with the Large-Scale Environment, Part I." J. Atmospheric Sciences 31: 674-701.

Arakawa, Akio (2000). "A Personal Perspective on the Early Years of General Circulation Modeling at UCLA." In General Circulation Model Development, edited by David A. Randall, pp. 1-65. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.

Arakawa, Akio, et al. (1964). "Yale Mintz, Atmospheric Sciences: Los Angeles." In University of California: In Memoriam, 1963. Oakland, CA: University of California Senate, online here.

Archer, D., and B. Buffet (2005). "Time-Dependent Response of the Global Ocean Clathrate Reservoir to Climatic and Anthropogenic Forcing." Geochemistry, Geophysics and Geosystems 6: Q03002 [doi:10.1029/2004GC000854].

Archer, David, and Raymond T. Pierrehumbert, eds. (2011) The Warming Papers: The Scientific Foundation for the Climate Change Forecast. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

Armour, Kyle C. (2016). "Projection and Prediction: Climate Sensitivity on the Rise." Nature Climate Change 6: 896-97 [doi:10.1038/nclimate3079].

Armour, Kyle C., et al. (2016). "Southern Ocean Warming Delayed by Circumpolar Upwelling and Equatorward Transport." Nature Geoscience 0: 549-54 [doi:10.1038/ngeo2731].

Armstrong McKay, David I., et al. (2022). "Exceeding 1.5°C Global Warming Could Trigger Multiple Climate Tipping Points." Science 377: eabn7950 [doi:10.1126/science.abn7950].

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Arnold, J.R., and W.F. Libby (1949). "Age Determinations by Radiocarbon Content: Checks with Samples of Known Age." Science 110: 678-80.

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Arnold, Neil (2002). "Solar Variability, Coupling between Atmospheric Layers and Climate Change." Phil. Transactions of the Roy. Soc. Lond. 360: 2787-2804 [doi:10.1098/rsta.2002.1091].

Arnone, John A., III, et al. (2008). "Prolonged Suppression of Ecosystem Carbon Dioxide Uptake after an Anomalously Warm Year." Nature 455: 383-87 [doi:10.1038/nature07296].

Arnscheidt, Constantin W., and Daniel H. Rothman (2021). "Asymmetry of Extreme Cenozoic Climate-Carbon Cycle Events." Science Advances 7: 33 [doi:10.1126/sciadv.abg6864].

Arrhenius, Gustaf (1997). "Carbon Dioxide Warming of the Early Earth." Ambio 26: 12-16.

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Aspray, William (1990). John Von Neumann and the Origins of Modern Computing. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

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Atwoli, Lukoye, et al. (2021). "Call for Emergency Action to Limit Global Temperature Increases, Restore Biodiversity, and Protect Health." New England Journal of Medicine 385: 1134-37 [doi:10.1056/NEJMe2113200], online here.

Atwood, Margaret (2003). Oryx and Crake. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.

Atwood, Margaret (2009). The Year of the Flood. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.

Ausubel, Jesse H. (1983). "Annex 2: Historical Note." In Changing Climate. Report of the Carbon Dioxide Assessment Committee, edited by Commission on Physical Sciences National Research Council, Mathematics, and Resources. Board on Atmospheric Science and Climate, pp. 488l-91. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences.

Ayers, Greg P., and Jill M. Cainey (2007). "The CLAW Hypothesis: A Review of the Major Developments." Environmental Chemistry 4: 366-74 [doi:10.1071/EN07080], online here.

Babiker, Mustafa, et al. (2002). "The Evolution of a Climate Regime: Kyoto to Marrakech and Beyond." Environmental Science & Policy 5: 195-206 [doi:10.1016/S1462-9011(02)00035-7].

Baccini, A., et al. (2017). "Tropical Forests Are a Net Carbon Source Based on Aboveground Measurements of Gain and Loss." Science 358: 230-34 [doi:10.1126/science.aam5962].

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Badash, Lawrence (2001). "Nuclear Winter: Scientists in the Political Arena." Perspectives in Physics 3: 76-105.

Badash, Lawrence (2009). A Nuclear Winter's Tale: Science and Politics in the 1980s. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Bader, D., et al. (2005). "A U.S. Interagency Distributed Climate Modeling Project." Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 86: 309-10.

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Baker, Jonathan L., et al. (2017). "Holocene Warming in Western Continental Eurasia Driven by Glacial Retreat and Greenhouse Forcing." Nature Geoscience 10: 430-36 [doi:10.1038/NGEO2953].

Baker, Zeke (2017). "Climate State: Science-State Struggles and the Formation of Climate Science in the US from the 1930s to 1960s." Social Studies of Science 47: 861-87 [].

Balaguru, Karthik, et al. (2018). "Increasing Magnitude of Hurricane Rapid Intensification in the Central and Eastern Tropical Atlantic." Geophysical Research Letters 45: 4238-47 [doi:10.1029/2018GL077597].

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Ballantyne, A. P., et al. (2012). "Increase in Observed Net Carbon Dioxide Uptake by Land and Oceans During the Past 50 Years." Nature 488: 70-72 [doi:10.1038/nature11299].

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