Climate modeling remained a very small research domain during the late 1950s and 1960s. The pioneering effort was an experiment pursued by Norman Phillips, a team member of the Meteorology Project led by Jule Charney, which developed the first numerical weather prediction in 1950. In 1955, Phillips simulated a much longer forecast period of 30 days with a further simplified version of the weather model. His simple model calculated circulation patterns for a dry version of the atmosphere, neglecting thermodynamics and involving many other unrealistic abstractions in order to reduce the amount of computations.
While this was only an experiment and not a simulation based on a realistic situation, it turned out to be surprisingly successful, because it produced patterns of the atmospheric circulation similar to the observed global circulation. Phillips concluded that “the verisimilitude of the forecast flow patterns suggests quite strongly that [the model] contains a fair element of truth.”1
Research team of the Meteorology Project, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 1952. Jule Charney left, Norman Phillips second left.
The experiment elicited enthusiasm among Phillips' peers, was path-breaking in two ways. First, it showed that computer based simulation could serve to simulate atmospheric phenomena; second, it proved that “[n]umerical integration of this kind ... give[s] us [the] unique opportunity to study largescale meteorology as an experimental science,” as British meteorologist Eric Eady concluded in 1956.2
With his remark, Eady grasped the revolutionary power of atmospheric simulation. Experimentation with so-called General Circulation Models (GCMs), representations of virtual atmospheres in the computer model, served the development of heuristic modeling in the following years. This research program was dedicated to developing a quantitative theoretical understanding of atmospheric and climatic processes. Appropriately, many of the first research groups pursuing heuristic modeling were named laboratories – suggesting the pursuit of experimental science. Some scientists referred to these modeling efforts as the development of comprehensive climate theory.
Around 1960, three separate groups in the USA began to build – more or less independently – many-leveled, three-dimensional GCMs based on the primitive equations of Bjerknes and Richardson: the General Circulation Research Section of the U.S. Weather Bureau (later Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, GFDL, in Princeton), the University of California in Los Angeles, and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. In 1964, a fourth group at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado, initiated a climate modeling effort. Outside the USA, only the UK Meteorological Office began to build a climate model in 1963. All these groups focused on improving the understanding of atmospheric and climatic processes.
Particularly influential climate modeling pioneers became the Japanese theoretical meteorologists Syukuro Manabe at GFDL and Akio Arakawa at the University of California modeling group. Manabe made very significant contributions to treating radiative transfer, convection and thermal equilibrium. He also was one of the first to couple atmospheric models with ocean models in the late 1960s. Arakawa became famous for his “wizardry with numerical methods,” as climate modeling historian Paul N. Edwards3 expressed it. His contributions included numerical schemes for stable integration over a long period of time, cloud processes and their parameterization and the representation of the atmospheric boundary layer.
Syukuro Manabe at GFDL.
References +
1: Phillips, Norman, The general circulation of the atmosphere: A numerical Experiment, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 82 (1956), pp. 123–164.
2: Lewis, John M., Clarifying the dynamics of the general circulation, Phillips’s 1956 experiment, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 79 (1998), pp. 39-60.
3: Edwards, Paul N. A Vast Machine: Computer Models, Climate Data, and the Politics of Global Warming. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2010.
Weart, Spencer. General Circulation Models of Climate. In: The Discovery of Global Warming. A hypertext history of how scientists came to (partly) understand what people are doing to cause climate change. Online at:
The Meteorological Office (shortly called the Met Office) is the United Kingdom's national weather service. The Met Office was established in 1854 as a small department within the Board of Trade. Until 1965 it had grown to about 3800 staff, in 2017 it employed about 2100 staff.1 Its major task was to provide meteorological and climatological information across all timescales, particularly weather forecasts and, later, forecasts of climate change. Throughout its history the Met Office pursued a policy of academic cautiousness and diligence.
Met Office director John Mason.2
In the postwar era, the Met Office expanded its research profile, established a comprehensive set of experimental facilities and installations—including laboratories, cold chambers and wind tunnels—and engaged in a variety of research directions ranging from experimental and theoretical meteorology to historical climatology. Since the late 1940s, it pursued research in numerical weather prediction (NWP). While the pioneering USA and Sweden started operational NWP in the mid-1950s, it only became operational much later in the UK. Under its new director John Mason, the Met Office provided daily weather forecasts based on numerical simulations since November 1965, even though Met Office officials were still doubtful of the maturity of NWP.
Mason transformed the culture at the Met Office deeply. He focused operations systematically on numerical simulation, whereas other fields of activity were strongly reduced or closed. Under his directorship, the Met Office became a world-wide leading center for weather prediction. Mason also strongly supported numerical modeling of climate and climate change. The Met Office was the first center outside the USA to pursue research on climate modeling since 1963, although exclusively on a small scale. By 1968, the Met Office’s climate modelers had a 5-level model which included a radiation transfer scheme as well as the effects of surface friction, mountain drag, and latent heat released during the condensation of water vapor to form clouds.
Due to the lack of a computer, the Met Office climate model could only be tested in the USA at IBM and at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. The situation improved not before 1971, when the Met Office’s new IBM 360/195 computer was installed at its headquarters in Bracknell. The modelers were encouraged by their ability to reproduce what Meteorological Office Director John Mason called “essential features” of the general circulation despite having only crude representations of processes below the synoptic scale.3
A hallmark of the Met Office climate modeling efforts during the 1970s became its cautious development and interpretation. The climate modeling group focused on heuristic modeling using climate models “almost like a laboratory,” as one of the modelers expressed it, to conduct experiments in a controlled setting and to pursue specific research questions.4 The Met Office’s early climate modeling publications and internal discussions emphasized weaknesses and problems with the models, and warned explicitly against placing excess weight on results from model experiments.
John Mason strongly endorsed this line and resolutely tried to fend off demands of applying the climate model for predictive purposes. Despite these reservations, however, the Met Office’s climate models soon entered the political arena. When the development of the Concorde caused debates about potential atmospheric pollution and climatic effects in the early 1970s, a new 13-level climate model was applied to study the effects of supersonic transport on global mean surface temperature (which was found to be negligible).
Since the mid-1970s, the British government put increasing pressure on the Met Office to enter climate prediction and produce politically useful information on future global warming. The interest of the government had less to do with concern about climate change than concern about British industry, in case demands for emission reduction would emerged. Mason, however, kept to his cautious attitude and rejected repeated demands for several years, until he felt forced to give in in 1978 under the threat of severe funding cuts. Mason ordered the Met Office’s climate modelers to investigate the effects of a sudden doubling of carbon dioxide over a complete annual cycle.
The results of these modeling experiments showed that the rise of global mean surface temperature strongly depended on assumptions for sea-surface temperatures and ranged from 0.4 degrees with constant sea-surface temperatures to 2.7 degrees in the case of a sea-surface temperatures increased by 2 degrees. “The ‘true’ answers probably lie somewhere in between”, said Mason in 1979, “but confident estimates will require combined atmosphere/ocean models with a comprehensive treatment of the interaction between them.”5
These climate modeling efforts quickly lost importance, however, when Margaret Thatcher assumed office as British Prime Minister in 1979. Thatcher did not see a political priority in the CO2 problem and, for the time being, stopped the Met Office’s reluctant efforts. Only in 1988, Thatcher radically changed her mind, accepted the risks of climate change and took the decision to establish the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research.
References +
1-2: Browning, Keith A., Sir (Basil) John Mason CB. 18 August 1923 – 6 January 2015, Biographical Memoirs of the Fellows of the Royal Society 62 (2016), pp. 359-380, online available at
3-5: Martin Nielsen, Janet, Computing the Climate: When Models Became Political, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 48 (2018), forthcoming.
Agar, Jonathon, “Future Forecast – Changeable and Probably Getting Worse”: The UK Government’s Early Response to Anthropogenic Climate Change, Twentieth Century British History 26:4 (2015), pp. 602–628.
Martin Mahony, Mike Hulme, Modelling and the Nation: Institutionalising Climate Prediction in the UK, 1988–92, Minerva 54:4 (2016), pp. 445-470.
Met Office, Diversity Data 2017, available online at (last accessed 3 January 2018).
The Climatic Research Unit (CRU) is one of the world's leading institutions concerned with the study of natural and anthropogenic climate change. It is part of the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia in Norwich and was founded in 1972 by Hubert Horace Lamb. The early priority of CRU was to expand and extend the research program in historical climatology set up by Lamb at the British Meteorological Office since the 1950s. Lamb led CRU until his retirement in 1978, when Tom Wigley succeeded him as director.
Hubert Horace Lamb, founder of the Climatic Research Unit.1
The foundation of CRU was related to Lambs deep conflict with the director of the Met Office, John Mason. Mason focused research and operations of the Met Office on numerical simulation approaches and withdrew any support to Lamb’s work in historical climatology. Lamb eventually left the Met Office in 1971 to continue his research program at CRU, which he established with the help of—among others—Sir Graham Sutton, who had already supported his research as former director of the Meteorological Office and Lord Solly Zuckerman, who served as an adviser to the University of East Anglia.
The aim of research at CRU was to reconstruct and improve knowledge of the past climatic record over as much of the globe and as far back in time as possible, and to analyze that record to better understand climatic variation and change and its relation to human history. Lamb and his new colleagues aimed explicitly to develop “a wide field of academic liaisons with archaeologists, historians, paleobotanists, glaciologists, geologists and geophysicists, oceanographers and others” – an aim which spoke to Lamb’s views of climatology as a discipline and which set the CRU starkly apart from the Met Office under Mason. In Lamb’s opinion, climatology was fundamentally an interdisciplinary subject.
During the 1970s, CRU repeatedly suffered from severe funding problems, however. Initial sponsors included British Petroleum, the Nuffield Foundation and Royal Dutch Shell. Later the Rockefeller Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy and the British Wolfson Foundation provided important contributions. Notably, the British Natural Environment Research Council refused to fund the Climatic Research Unit. Lamb later complained that “the research funds made available have been of the order of twenty to fifty times as much to the theoretical work as to construction and analysis of the actual past record of climate” (Lamb 1982, p. 14). Physics-based theoretical modeling work had clearly outclassed empiricism-focused historical climatology.2
Building of the Climate Re-search Unit built in 1986 with funds from the Wolfson Foundation. It was renamed Hubert Lamb Building in 2006.3
Within two years of opening, the CRU had a core staff of nine, five of them scientists. By Lamb’s retirement in the autumn of 1978, it employed 29 scientific staff. Lamb hired experts in environmental science, statistics, languages and linguistics, biology, history and geography, as well as mathematics, physics and meteorology—underlining the interdisciplinarity central to Lamb’s vision of climate research. The bulk of the CRU’s scientific work in the 1970s focused deriving and quantifying temperature and rainfall data from historical sources and examining the cycles and probabilities of extreme weather phenomena (e.g., floods, droughts, severe winters and winds). By 1974, the CRU had produced weather charts for Europe and much of the Atlantic and the eastern seaboard of the United States, covering the past two centuries.
Lamb and his colleagues saw themselves as the torchbearers of an older tradition of climatological work, one immersed in historical and geographical ways of seeing the world. At Lamb’s retirement in 1978, however, CRU had little in the way of secure long-term funding, practically no government support, and a high turnover of scientific staff. The CRU’s scientists felt that their work did not receive the understanding or respect it deserved.
Lamb’s successor Tom Wigley adjusted in 1978 CRU’s research strategy and started the production of the world's land-based, gridded temperature data set—which was needed for numerical climate simulation. This work—expanded in 1986 to include marine areas—involved many person-years of painstaking data collection, checking and homogenization and according to CRU’s own assessment, “probably had the largest international impact” (CRU, undated).
CRU had acquired a strong reputation with its accomplishments in climate research, when it was hit by a coordinated hacker attack in November 2009. More than 4,000 emails and documents were stolen. The scandal was exploited by climate skeptics, who coined the term “Climategate”, and received intense media coverage. It caused a severe loss of trust in climate science among the general public and CRU in particular, even though subsequent investigations exonerated CRU from any charges and fully reinstated its scientific integrity.
References +
1,3-4: Climatic Research Unit, History of the Climatic Research Unit, available online at (last accessed 4 January 2018).
2: Lamb, Hubert H., Climate, History and the Modern World, London and New York: Methuen, 1982.
Leiserowity, Anthony A. et al., Climategate, Public Opinion, and the Loss of Trust, American Behavioral Scientist 57:6 (2012), pp. 818–837, online available at (last accessed 4 January 2018).
Martin Nielsen, Janet, Foundation of the CRU, unpublished manuscript, Aarhus University, 2016.
The Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) in Hamburg is operated by the Max Planck Society, a state-funded research institution. It was officially inaugurated in February 1975. The major goal of the new institute was to develop climate models, integrating ocean-atmosphere interaction, and investigate natural climatic change.
The history of the foundation of the MPI-M is a relatively short one. It only took a few months for the board of the Max Planck Society to decide on the foundation and to appoint a director. Until 1974, meteorological research was hardly represented in the Society’s program. None of its institutes pursued specific climatological or meteorological research. But in late 1973, the Max Planck Society received an offer from the Fraunhofer Society to take over one of their institutes, which pursued basic research in maritime and radiometeorology. This offer initiated a debate within the Max Planck Society whether meteorology was a topic important enough to be included in the Society’s agenda.
Several experts in the field of climatology, meteorology and atmospheric sciences were invited to this discussion, including Hermann Flohn, Christian Junge, and Bert Bolin. Flohn had already advocated for years that Germany needed an institution that focused on climate change research, because neither the German universities nor the German Weather Service encouraged theoretical meteorology or studies on long-term climate variations.
Internationally, smog, acid rain and extreme climate events reinforced an environmental awareness. Debates about the risks of economic growth and environmental pollution resulted in initiatives and theories like the Club of Rome or the Gaia Hypothesis, and created the notion of the earth as a complex interconnected system. It was this setting in which several conferences on climate change took place in the USA. In Germany, the social-liberal government introduced in 1973 a Federal Office of Environmental Matters (the later Federal Environmental Agency).
Research on climate gained more and more interest in Germany, but at this point there was still no research institution in Germany that focused entirely on climate science. When the discussion at the Max Planck Society was initiated it promptly decided to fill this gap.
The MPI-M founding process indicates the perceived relevance of climate research. Traditionally, a Max Planck institute is set up for an individual outstanding and established researcher who receives the opportunity to develop their research interest by building up their own institute, also called the “Harnack Principle” (Renn et al. 2014). But in the case of the MPI-M the Society first decided to set up the institute and then search for an eligible director. This “topic first” approach and the fast founding process show the enormous interest the subject elicited.
The research of this new institute focused entirely on the development of climate models including ocean-atmosphere interrelations, and on model-based climate prediction. The awareness that the ocean-atmosphere interactions were crucial for the understanding of climate had grown, and it influenced the choice of the director and the research agenda. Klaus Hasselmann, a German physicist and oceanographer with experience in ocean rather than climate modelling, was appointed director.
Chronology of the founding process:
October 1973: offer to take up the Fraunhofer Institute
November 1973: consultation with external experts in meteorology/climatology
15 March 1974: senate’s decision on the foundation of a new institute for meteorology, search for an eligible director
20 July 1974: appointment of Klaus Hasselmann as director
February 1975: official foundation, start of work
5 December 1975: ceremonial inauguration act