Krylov, N. M. (Nikolai Mitrofanovich), 1879-1955.
Nilkolai M. Krylov papers.
Includes reprints, manuscripts, lectures and drafts, 1915-1950s, primarily on mathematical topics such as: mathematical analysis, differential equations, mathematical physics, non-linear oscillations, variational calculus, also several joint papers with N. N. Bogoljubov. Also notebooks, 1910-1920, 1940s, and literary and philosophical works. Biographical papers include diplomas, bibliography, photos, notes on lectures by Hadamard and Picard at the Sorbonne, 1907, and accounts of work and plans, 1930s-1950s. Correspondents, ca. 1920 to ca. 1940 (147 folders), include: E. Cartan, M. R. Frechet, J. Hadamard, J. C. Bouligand, H. Vergne, H. Villdt, T. Levi-Civita, S. I. Vavilov, V. I. Vernadskij, D. A. Kryzhanovskij, N. N. Lusin, Ya. I. Frenkel. Collection also includes some manuscripts by Boboljubov.
Physicist and mathematician (mathematical physics, non-linear mechanics). Graduated Academy of Mining, St. Petersburg, 1902; Petrograd, 1912-1917; Tavricheskij University, Simferopol, 1917-1922; Institute of Mechanics of the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences (later the Institute for Building Mechanics), 1922-1955; chair of Mathematical Physics, Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences 1922-1955.
Frenkel', IA. I. (IAkov Il'ich), 1894-1952.
Vavilov, S. I. (Serge Ivanovich), 1891-1951
Calculus of variations.
Differential equations (Physics).
Mathematical physics -- Analysis.
Mathematics -- Research.
Nonlinear oscillations.
Bibliographies. aat aat
Biography files. aat
Diplomas. aat
Journal (account). aat
Lecture notes. aat
Lectures lcgft
Notebooks. aat
Photographs. aat
Reprints. aat
Mathematicians -- Soviet Union. lcsh
Physicists -- Soviet Union. lcsh
Bouligand, J. C.
Bogoljubor, N. N. -- Records and correspondence.
Cartan, E.
Frechť, Maurice, 1878-
Hadamard, J.
Kryzhanovskij, D. A.
Levi-Civita, Tullio, 1873-1941.
Lusim, N. N.
Vernadskij, V. I.
Villdt, H.
Universit ̌de Paris -- Study and teaching.
Russian Academy of Sciences. Archive. ul. Novocheremushkinskaia, 34, Moscow, 117218, Russia