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Morocco. Direction de la production industrielle et des mines.
Archives of the Moroccan Department of Industrial Production and Mines, 1920-ongoing.
Contains the archives of the Moroccan Department of Industrial Production which is composed of the Division of Mines comprising two services: the Geological Service and the Mining Service: for instance, the archives of the Sharif's Office of Phosphates (Office Chǐfien des Phosphates - l'O.C.P.) which was created on August 7, 1920, and of the Office of Research and Industrial Mining (Bureau de Recherche et de Participation Miniře - B.R.P.M.) which was created December 15, 1928.
The Moroccan Bureau de Recherches et de Participations Minir̈es (BRPM) is a state agency to develop mining research and industry.
Morocco. Direction de la production industrielle et des mines -- Documentation.
Morocco. Division des mines et de la gǒlogie.
Geology, Economic -- Research.
Government agencies -- Archival resources. -- Morocco.
Industry and state -- Morocco.
Industrial research -- Morocco.
Mineral industries -- Research -- Morocco.
Mines and mineral resources -- Industrial applications -- Research -- Morocco.
Mining -- Morocco.
Phosphates -- Morocco.
Morocco. -- Technology
Administrative records. aat aat
Government records. aat
Public records. lcsh
Morocco. Bureau de Reserche et de Participation Minir̈e -- Archives.
Morocco. Office Chǐfien des Phosphates -- Archives.
Bibliothq̈ue Gňřale et Archives du Maroc. BP 1003, Avenue Ibn Battouta, Rabat, Morocco.