Brewer, Richard G.
Richard G. Brewer response to Laser History Project Survey, 1983.
Eight-page description of Brewer's work at the University of California, Berkeley and University of California, Los Angeles; and his collaboration with Townes at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. File also includes a curriculum vitae and list of publications. Recipients were asked to discuss their education, their activities preceding their involvement with lasers, their work during the Second World War, their entry into the field of lasers, their scientific achievements, their work as laboratory administratiors, their work in the laser industry, and their work as journal editors or society officers.
Brewer, Richard G.
Townes, Charles H. -- Friends and associates.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology -- Research.
University of California, Berkeley -- Research.
University of California, Los Angeles -- Research.
Group work in physics
Group work in research.
Lasers -- History.
Physics -- Research.
Lists. aat aat
Resumes. aat aat
American Institute of Physics. Niels Bohr Library & Archives. One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA