Baldwin, Ralph Belknap, 1912-
Ralph Belknap Baldwin response to History of Geophysics Survey, 1988.
Letter to Spencer Weart, director of AIP Center for History of Physics; six pages of curriculum vitae and publications; and the questionnaire with brief, handwritten responses. Recipients were asked to send copies of their curriculum vitae and a list of publications as part one of the survey and were then asked to discuss their entry into science in general and geophysics specifically as a career; how their scientific achievements came about and major efforts they were involved in which did not achieve the hoped for results; changes from one discipline to another; funding sources; the role of other disciplines in their own research; their work as educators; and their involvement in geophysics related institutions.
American Astrophysicist. Ph.D., University of Michigan (1937). Professional experience includes: senior physicist, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (1942-1946); astronomy consultant, Boeing Company, Chance-Vought Corp., Rand Corp., Grumman, Aeronautical Chart and Information Center (NASA), U. S. Air Force moon-mapping project; product manager through chairman of the board, Oliver Machinery Company (1947-1984).
Baldwin, Ralph Belknap, 1912-
Baldwin, Ralph Belknap, 1912-
Geophysics -- Study and teaching.
Geophysicists -- Biography.
Biography files. aat
Questionnaires aat
Resumes. aat aat
Geophysicists. lcsh
Weart, Spencer R., 1942-
American Institute of Physics. Niels Bohr Library & Archives. One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA