Ehrenfest, Paul, 1880-1933
Paul Ehrenfest papers, 1902-1933.
Correspondence, 10 boxes of manuscripts, workbooks, diaries, 190 notebooks, record books, family documents, and miscellanoues items. The collection is primarily correspondnce (bulk dates 1930-1932), both scientific and personal. Manuscripts consists of original drafts and associated notes for Ehrenfest's published papers together with annotated proof sheets, a few unpublished papers and his notes on lectures by others including Arnold Sommerfeld and Enrico Fermi. The notebooks, 1902-1926, contain student lecture notes, notes and comments on reading, and his own treatment of lecture subjects in later years. The diaries record impressions of all sorts, mainly in the periods 1903-1912 and 1922-1933. Of particular interest are the records of discussions with Bohr and others in Copenhagen, 1921-1933. The research notebooks, 1902-1923, are a record of questions and problems related to his scientific thinking. Correspondents include Niels Bohr, Max Born, Johanes M. Burgers, Hendrik B. G. Casimir, Dirk Fokker, Samuel A. Goudsmit, Gustav Herglotz, Abram F. Ioffe, Ph. Kohnstamm, Henrik Atoon Lorentz, Max Planck, B. van der Pol, A. J. Rutgers, Erwin Schrd̲inger, Jan Tinbergen, and Pieter Zeeman.
Nuclear physicist (statistical mechanics, applied quantum physics). On the physics faculty at Universitt̃ Wein (1900-1904); on the staff of Petrogradskii politeknicheskii (1907-1912); and on the physics faculty at Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden (1912-1933).
Bohr, Niels, 1885-1962
Born, Max, 1882-1970
Burgers, J. M. (Johannes Martinus), 1895-
Casimir, H. B. G. (Hendrik Brugt Gerhard), 1909-2000
Fermi, Enrico, 1901-1954
Goudsmit, Samuel A. (Samuel Abraham), 1902-1978
Lorentz, H. A. (Hendrik Antoon), 1853-1928
Planck, Max, 1858-1947.
Schrd̲inger, Erwin, 1887-1961
Sommerfeld, Arnold, 1868-1951
Zeeman, Pieter.
Workbooks. aat
Diaries lcgft
Family papers. aat
Proofs. aat
Lectures lcgft
Rijksmumsum voor de Geschiedenis van de Natuurwetenschappen en van de Geneeskunde 'Museum Boerhaave'. Steenstraat IA, 2313 BS Leiden, Netherlands