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American Institute of Physics. Center for History of Physics. Study of Multi-Institutional Collaborations. Phase I: High-Energy Physics.
Oral history interviews. High-Energy Physics. Probes: Upsilon Experiments FNAL-E-70, -187, -288, -494, -596, -605, -608, 1990.
Interviews (listed by institutional member of specific experiments within the collaboration's string and by name of individuals on one or more of the experiments) were conducted with: CERN: Roger Bouclier (technician), Maurice Bourquin, Georges Charpak, Jean-Marc Gaillard, Jean-Paul Repellin, Jean-Claude Santiard (electronics engineer), Fabio Sauli; Columbia University: Mark Fischler, Irwin Gaines (student), Yee Bob Hsiung (student), Hans Paar (student), David Saxon, J.C. Sens, Jeffrey Weiss, John Yoh; Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory: Jeffrey Appel, Bruce Brown (technician), Charles Brown (spokesperson for 605), William Cooper, Roger Dixon, David Eartly (liaison physicist), Ronald Fast (engineer), David Finley, Kenneth Gray (technician), Walter Innes, Albert Ito, J.M. Jagger (engineer), Alan Jonckheere (liaison physicist), Leon Lederman (spokesperson for 70, 187, 288, and 596), Risto Orava, Frank Pearsall (technician), Thomas Regan (engineer), Katsuhito Sugano, Jack Upton (technician), Taiji Yamanouchi (deputy spokesperson for 288); KEK: Akihiro Maki; Kyoto University: Yasuo Hemmi, Kozo Miyake, Yoshihide Sakai, Noboru Sasao, Takuo Yoshida (student); Saclay: J. Richard Hubbard, Philippe Mangeot (electronics engineer), Robert Praca (technician); SUNY-Stony Brook: Mark Adams, Roderich Engelmann, Hans Jstlein (deputy spokesperson for 494), Daniel Kaplan (student), Robert Kephart, Janos Kirz, Robert McCarthy (deputy spokesperson for 605); University of Washington, Seattle: Kam-Biu Luk, Robert Plaag (student), John Rutherfoord (spokesperson for 605), Frederick Toevs (electronics engineer), Robert Williams, Kenneth Young.
A documentation research project to study the complex issues facing the historical documentation of multi-institutional collaborations in physics and allied sciences. The FNAL collaboration for this string discovered the upsilon particle, the first manifestation of the bottom quark, and investigated dilepton and dihadron production in proton-nucleon collisions over a wide range of energies. The experiments were approved 1970-1979.
Lederman, Leon M.
Centre d'ťudes nuclǎires de Saclay.
Columbia University.
European Organization for Nuclear Research.
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.
State University of New York at Stony Brook.
University of Washington.
Group work in research -- Documentation.
Particles (Nuclear physics).
Particles (Nuclear physics) -- Experiments -- Documentation.
Physics -- Archival resources.
Physics -- Experiments -- Documentation.
Physics -- Research -- Documentation.
Experimental design.
Oral histories. aat aat
Interviews. aat
Transcripts. aat aat
Particles (Nuclear physics)
Particles (Nuclear physics -- Group work in research.
Physics -- Collaboration.
European Organization for Nuclear Research.
Koenerugi Butsurigaku Kenkyujo (Japan)
Kyoto University.
Charpak, Georges.
Fischler, Mark Steven.
Hsiung, Yee Bob.
Kaplan, Daniel M. (Daniel Moshe)
Kirz, J. (Janos), 1937-
Luk, Kam-Biu, 1953-
Paar, Hans P.
Plaag, Robert Emil.
Saxon, D. H.
Yoh, John.
American Institute of Physics) Center for History of Physics
Adams, Mark (Mark R.), 1953-
Appel, Jeffrey A.
Bouclier, Roger.
Bourquin, Maurice.
Brown, Bruce C., 1944-
Brown, Charles N.
Cooper, William.
Dixon, Roger L., 1947-
Eartly, David Paul, 1942-
Engelmann, Roderich.
Fast, Ronald Walter.
Finley, David.
Gaillard, Jean-Marc.
Gaines, Irwin.
Gray, Kenneth.
Hemmi, Yasuo.
Hubbard, J. Richard.
Innes, Walter Rundle, 1945-
Ito, Albert.
Jagger, J. M.
Jonckheere, Alan.
Jostlein, Hans.
Kephart, Robert David, 1949-
Maki, Akihiro.
Mangeot, Philippe.
McCarthy, Robert.
Miyake, Kozo.
Orava, R (Risto), 1951-
Pearsall, Frank.
Praca, Robert
Regan, Thomas.
Repellin, Jean-Paul.
Rutherford, John.
Sakai, Yoshihide.
Santiard, Jean-Claude.
Sasao, Noboru.
Sauli, Fabio.
Sens, Hans.
Sugano, Katsuhito.
Toevs, Frederick.
Upton, Jack.
Weiss, Jeffrey.
Williams, Robert Walter, 1920-
Yamanouchi, Taiji.
Yoshida, Takuo.
Young, Kenneth Kong, 1937-
American Institute of Physics. Niels Bohr Library & Archives. One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA