Shane, Charles Donald, 1895-1983.
Oral history interview with Charles Donald Shane, 1968 February 22 and March 14.
Lick Observatory history from its conveyance to the University of California at Berkeley in 1988; its relationship with the Astronomy department at Berkeley, 1915-1985; the academic status of Lick astronomers. Comments on the telescopes; allotting of observation time; Lick funding; administrative status in the 1950s and 1960s. Comments on radioastronomy. Shane's directorship of Lick Observatory, 1945-1963, and his advisory work from 1935-1968. Detailed characterizations of Edward Singleton Holden, Armin O. Leuschner, Robert G. Aitken, Heber Curtis, Charles D. Perrine, Robert J. Trumpler. F.J. Neubaner, G.F. Paddock, William H. Wright, Joseph H. Moore, J. Robert Oppenheimer, and Harlow Shapley; the appointment of Albert E. Whitford as Shane's successor in 1958. Committee work on the study of a proposed planetary observatory for the U.S. Air Force, and advising the Venezuelan government on a site for an observatory.
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 1904-1967
Shapley, Harlow, 1885-1972.
Lick Observatory.
University of California, Berkeley.
Astronomical observatories.
Radio astronomy.
Oral histories. aat
Interviews. aat
Transcripts. aat
Astronomers. lcsh
Aitken, Robert Grant, 1864-1951.
Curtis, Heber Doust
Holden, Edward S. (Edward Singleton), 1846-1914
Leuschner, Armin Otto, b. 1868.
Moore, Joseph H.
Neubaner, F. J.
Paddock, George Frederick.
Perrin, Charles D.
Trumpler, Robert J. (Robert Julius), 1886-1956.
Whitford, Albert E, (Albert Edward), 1905-2002-
Wright, William H.
Calciano, Elizabeth Spedding interviewer.
American Institute of Physics. Niels Bohr Library & Archives. One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA