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Houghton, Henry G.
Henry G. Houghton papers, 1958-1970.
The Henry G. Houghton papers offer a window into the planning of a National Institute for Atmospheric Research, documenting early discussions and planning meetings, the selection of Walter Orr Roberts as the Director of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, and the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) scholarship in meteorology from undergraduate students. Materials include correspondence, handwritten notes, meeting minutes, and reports.
Henry Garrett Houghton, 1905-1987, B.S. 1926, Drexel Institute of Technology; S.M. in electrical engineering, 1927, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was a member of the research staff at MIT's Round Hill Research Station from 1928 to 1938, where his work on the physical properties of fog led to the development of one of the first practical methods of dissipating fog. He became assistant professor of meteorology at MIT in 1939, associate professor and executive officer of the Department of Meteorology in 1942, and professor and head of the department in 1945, serving until his retirement in 1970. During World War II he trained weather personnel for the Army and Navy and was a member of several committees working on infrared and heat radiation and meteorological and de-icing problems. His research focused on the nature of atmospheric condensation processes and the transmission of light and infrared radiation through fog and clouds.
Houghton, Henry G.
Roberts, Walter Orr
National Center for Atmospheric Research (U.S.)
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Correspondence. aat
Minutes. aat
Reports. aat
National Center for Atmospheric Research/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. Archives. PO Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA