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Barish, B.C. (Barry Clark), 1936-
Oral history interview with Barry Barish, 2020 July 6.
Interview with Barry Barish, Linde Professor of Physics Emeritus at Caltech, where he retains a collaboration with LIGO, and Distinguished Professor of Physics at UC Riverside. Barish recounts his childhood in Los Angeles and emphasizes that sports were more important than academics to him growing up. He explains his decision to attend Berkeley as an undergraduate, where his initial major was engineering before he realized that he really loved physics, and where he was advised by Owen Chamberlain. Barish describes the fundamental work being done at the Radiation Lab and how he learned to work the cyclotron. He explains why Fermi became his life-long hero and why he decided to stay at Berkeley for graduate school, even though the schools general policy required students to pursue their doctoral work elsewhere. Barish describes his graduate research under the direction of Carl Hemholz, and he explains how he developed a relationship with Richard Feynman which led to his postdoc and ultimately, his faculty appointment at Caltech. He discusses how his interest in neutrinos led to his work at Fermilab and why the big question at the time was how to discover the W boson. Barish describes his key interests in magnetic monopoles and neutrino oscillations, and he describes his involvement with the SSC project through a connection with Maury Tigner at Berkeley, which developed over the course of his collaborations with Sam Ting. He explains that his subsequent work with LIGO never would have happened had the SSC been viable, and he describes his early connection as a young student learning general relativity as a connecting point to LIGO. Barish describes his general awareness of what Rai Weiss had been doing prior to 1994 and he relates the state of affairs of LIGO at that point. He conveys the intensity of his involvement from 1994 to 2005 and he describes the skepticism surrounding the entire endeavor and what success would have looked like without any assurance that the experiment would actually detect gravitational waves. Barish describes the road to detection as one of incremental improvements to the instrumentation achieved over several years, including the fundamental advance of active seismic isolation. He narrates the day of the detection, and he surveys the effect that the Nobel Prize has had on the LIGO collaboration and its future prospects. Barish notes the promise that AI offers for the future of LIGO, and he prognosticates the future viability of the ILC. At the end of the interview Barish explains what LIGO has taught us about the universe, and what questions it will allow us to ask in the future as a result of its success.
Barry Barish is the Linde Professor of Physics Emeritus at Caltech and a Distinguished Professor of Physics at UC Riverside. He completed his graduate studies at UC Berkeley and a postdoctoral appointment at Caltech. Barish received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2017 for his work on the LIGO project.
Alvarez, Luis W., 1911-1988
Barish, B.C. (Barry Clark), 1936-
Chamberlain, O. (Owen)
Cr̤dova, France A.
Drever, R. W. P. (Ronald W. P.)
Fermi, Enrico, 1901-1954
Feynman, Richard P. (Richard Phillips), 1918-1988
Fowler, William A.
Orbach, R.
Peck, Charles W., 1934-
Schwitters, Roy F.
Tate, John T. (John Torrence), 1889-1950
Thorne, Kip S.
Tigner, M.
Ting, S. C. C. (Samuel Chao-chung), 1936-
Tollestrup, Alvin
Trilling, George H.
Weiss, Rainer 1932-
California Institute of Technology
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
LIGO (Observatory)
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Riverside
Black holes (Astronomy)
Cosmic rays
Gravitational waves.
Magnetic monopoles.
Nobel Prize winners
Particles (Nuclear physics)
Superconducting Super Collider
W bosons.
Interviews. aat
Oral histories. aat
Transcripts. aat
Zierler, David, 1979- interviewer.
American Institute of Physics. Niels Bohr Library & Archives. One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA