Gerrish, Willard P., 1887-1939.
Willard P. Gerrish papers, 1874-1937 (bulk 1896-1920).
The Willard P. Gerrish papers include a travel journal, specifications, blueprints and photographs of various telescopes and mounts, along with related technical writings by Gerrish on specific engineering projects, from 1896 to 1920. Household receipts and correspondence comprise a large portion of the collection. Also included are legal documents and correspondence regarding the estate of his father, William H. Gerrish, and high school copy books belonging to his sisters Isabel and Mary. The collection includes material on the Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory and Harvard College Observatory.
American astronomer. Graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1887). Professional experience includes: observer, Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory (1885-unknown); assistant professor of astronomy, Harvard College Observatory.
Gerrish, Willard P., 1887-1939.
Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory
Harvard College Observatory.
Technical writing.
Photographs. aat
Brown University. The John Hay Library. Manuscript Division. Providence, RI 02912, USA