Lasarev, Boris G., 1906-
Oral history interview with Boris G. Lasarev 1995 January-February.
Lasarev gives a brief biography and his main scientific goals. Discusses the beginning of low temperature physics in Soviet Union; influences of Leiden laboratory; his study in Leningrad; Leningrad school of physics; Abram F. Ioffe, Iakov I. Frenkel, et al. 1932 (first publication). Mentions student years; beginnings of scientific work at Leningrad Physiotechnical institute; scientist Lev Schubnikov and Ivan Obreimov; foundation of Ukrainian Physico-technical institute in 1928; building of institute: Leningrad scientific delegation to Kharkov; strangers in Kharkov - M. Ruhemann and Meisner, discovery of Meisner's effect; Lev Landau and Yu Ryabinin; Lasarev's transition from Sverdlovsk to Kharkov; first Soviet cryogenic laboratory and first cryogenic conference; organization of scientific investigations; development of cryogenic solid state investigations: physics of low temperature and high pressure; superconductivity; background of science and education development in Ukraine; position of Ukrainian Physico-technical institute; scientists Paul Ehrenfest, Victor Weisskopf, and Podolskij; World War II and evacuation of institute; reconstruction of institute post-war cryogenic investigations (Illya Lifshitz, Lev Landau, and V. Hotkevitch); superconductivity (Sergei Konobeevsrij, V. Gorskij).
Physicist (low temperatures). From 1937 until 1990 he was head of cryogenic laboratory of Ukrainian Physico-technical institute.
Ehrenfest, Paul, 1880-1933
Frenkel', IA. I. (IAkov Il'ich), 1894-1952.
Gorskij, V.
Hotkevitch, V.
Ioffe, A. F. (Abram Fedorovich), 1880-1960.
Khariton, Yu.
Konobeevsrij, Sergei.
Landau, L. D. (Lev Davidovich), 1908-1968
Lasarev, Boris G., 1906-
Lifschitz, Illya.
Obreimov, Ivan V.
Ryabinin, Yu.
Ruhemann, M.
Schubnikov, Lev.
Fiziko-tekhnicheski institut im. A.F. Ioffe
Khar kovski fiziko-tekhnicheski institut
Sterrewacht Leiden
Low temperatures.
High pressure (Science).
Physicists -- Soviet Union.
Physicists -- Ukraine.
World War, 1939-1945 -- Soviet Union -- Science.
Oral histories. aat
Ranyuk, Yuri, interviewer.
American Institute of Physics. Niels Bohr Library & Archives. One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA