Yourgrau, Wolfgang.
Wolfgang Yourgrau papers, 1936-1983.
The papers contain Wolfgang Yourgrau's personal correspondence with colleagues and scholars, both in America and abroad. The collection also includes most of his 77 articles, classroom lecture notes, a complete bibliography of his book collection, manuscripts for the 1942-1943 issues of his anti-fascist German-language weekly The Orient, and journals, speeches, newspaper clippings, press releases, photographs, lectures, manuscripts of articles, transcripts of radio broadcasts, framed paintings, an inventory of his personal library on slides, reel-to-reel tapes, and academic regalia.
German historian of science. Ph.D. physics, Humboldt University (1932). Professional experience includes: head of the department of logic and scientific method, Jerusalem's School of Higher Studies; chair of the department of history and science, Smith College (1959-1963); professor of history and philosophy of science, chair of philosophy department, University of Denver (1963-1978).
Yourgrau, Wolfgang.
Anti-fascist movements
Philosophy and science.
Radio programs.
Bibliographies. aat
Clippings. aat aat
Correspondence. aat
Journals. ftamc
Lecture notes. aat
Photographs. aat
Slides (photographs). aat
Transcripts. aat
University of Denver. Penrose Library. 2150 East Evans Avenue, Denver, CO 80208, USA