Boyer, Raymond F.
Raymond F. Boyer papers, 1978-1991 (bulk 1978-1994).
The papers consist of transcripts of taped reminiscences and lengthy written addenda giving Raymond Boyer's side of a celebrated feud between Paul J. Flory and himself. Published materials relating to Boyer's work with styrene, transition temperatures and relaxations are included in the holdings.
Raymond F. Boyer. 1933, B.S., Astronomy, Case Institute of Technology; 1935, M.S., Physics, Case Institute of Technology. Dow Chemical Company Physics Laboratory, 1935-1975. Michigan Molecular Insitute, 1975-.
Boyer, Raymond F.
Flory, Paul J.
Science History Institute. The Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer Library of Chemical History. 315 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA