Space Services Inc.
Space Services Inc. records, 1970s-1990s.
This collection encompasses business records relating to Space Services administration and organization, the Contestoga and Starfire programs, launch sites, investors, customers, markets, relations with NASA, presentations and other materials from meetings, conferences, and seminars, and various assorted business files and records. It primarily consists of paper records, but also includes photographs, audio cassettes, VHS, Beta, and newspaper clippings.
Founded by David Hannah in 1980. A pioneer in private space exploration, SSIA overcame myriad licensing and legal obstacles to advance their program, eventually obtaining agreements with 18 separate federal agencies. In 1982 successfully launched the first privately funded rocket, the Conestoga I, into space in 1982. SSIA continued to develop its Conestoga program, as well as the Starfire series of launch vehicles. In 2004, SSIA joined with Celestis, Inc., a company founded by former SSIA employees, and formed Space Services Incorporated. The company no longer maintains its own rocket program, and instead purchases cargo space on third party launches.
Space Services Inc.
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.)
Space exploration. sears
Space shuttles.
Video recordings. aat
Rice University. Fondren Library. Woodson Research Center. P. O. Box 1892, Houston, TX 77001, USA