Kurylo, Friedrich.
Friedrich Kurylo collection on Ferdinand Braun, 1901-1987 (bulk 1960-1965).
The bulk of the collection contains drafts, typescripts, and research materials compiled by Friedrich Kurylo pertaining to Ferdinand Braun for his book, Ferdinand Braun: A life of the Nobel prizewinner and inventor of the cathode-ray oscilloscope. The majority of the collection is in German. Contributors include Charles Susskind and Bern Dibner.
Friedrich Kurylo published Ferdinand Braun: A life of the Nobel prizewinner and inventor of the cathode-ray oscilloscope in 1981. Ferdinand Braun made notable contributions to the field of electricty. He invented what is now called Braun's electrometer before turning his attention to the field of wireless telegraphy. He was one of the first to send electric waves in definite directions. In 1902 he succeeded in receiving directed by means of inclined beam of antennae. He received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1909.
Braun, Ferdinand, 1850-1918
Kurylo, Friedrich.
Telegraph, Wireless.
Dibner, Bern.
Susskind, Charles.
Henry E. Huntington Library. 1151 Oxford Road, San Marino, CA 91108, USA