Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
LBL 60-inch cyclotron records, 1939-1962.
The records and case files relate to the research and design of the cyclotron, building and modification of the accelerator, scientific research conducted using the accelerator, and maintenance of the mechanical subsystems of the apparatus. Included is a sample of significant scientific articles that resulted from research involving the 60-inch cyclotron. This is the complete set of known LBL 60-inch cyclotron records.
The cyclotron is the smallest of the circular particle accelerators. The cyclotron principle was conceive by Ernst O. Lawrence in 1931 with a 4-inch (magnet pole diameter) cyclotron. Lawrence subsequently built a 27-inch and 37-inch cyclotron. Design of the 60-inch cyclotron commenced in October 1936, construction began in January 1938, and operation began in May 1939. The cyclotron was rebuilt in July 1944, November 1949 and June 1954. It was eventually dismantled and the core portions were transferred to the University of California at Davis for use with physics graduate students learning about acceleratore experimentation.
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory -- Archives.
Cyclotrons -- Design and construction.
Particle accelerators -- Design and construction.
Particles (Nuclear physics) -- Research. aip
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
National Archives and Records Administration. Pacific Sierra Region. 1000 Commodore Drive, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA