Kobeka, P. P. (Pavel Pavlovich, 1897-1954.
P. P. Kobeka papers, 1924-1954.
Series include: 1) Scientific works and manuscripts (13 folders for 1931-1953): "Skachok teploprovodnosti segnetovoj soli" ("Jump of Heat Conductivity of Segnet Salt", with I.Iu. Nelidov, 1931); "O stoenii fenol'no-formal'degidnykh smol" ("On the Structure of Phenol-formaldehyde Resins", 1953); "Structura i svojstva organicheskikh stekol" ("Structure and Properties of Organic Glasses", undated); draft notes on and calculations of the dynamcis of crystal grid and its dependence on the temperature. 2) Biographical documents (17 folders for 1924-1954); certificate on graduation from the Goretsk Agricultural Institute (1924); autobiography (1935); diploma of doctoral degree in physics and mathematics (corresponding to habilitation in German academic system); the corresponding member of Academy Diploma (1943); professor certificate (1946); and list of publications (1949).
Physics. Major affiliations include: Leningrad Institute for Physics and Technology (1925-1944, 1947-1951); Leningrad Polytechnical Institute (1930-1954); Institute for High-molecular Compunds (1952-1954). Corresponding member of Academy of Science since 1943.
Russian Academy of Sciences. St. Petersburg Branch. Archive. Universitetskaia hab., 1, Korp. 2, St. Petersburg 199034