California Bay Area earthquake symposium at Stanford University [video recording], 1989.
Videotape of a symposium following the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, featuring speakers from the Stanford-United States Geological Survey Center for Research in Earthquake Engineering - Haresh Shah, Helmut Krawinkler, and Anne Kiremidjian. Topics discussed include geophysics of earthquakes, ground motion, and building failures.
Kiremidjian, Anne S. (Anne Setian)
Krawinkler, Helmut
Shah, Haresh C.
Stanford University.
Stanford University -- Faculty.
Loma Prieta Earthquake, Calif., 1989
Kiremidjian, Anne S. (Anne Setian)
Krawinkler, Helmut
Shah, Haresh C.
Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives. Stanford, CA 94305, USA