Mimno, Harry Rowe, 1900-
Harry Mimno lecture notes for physics courses, 1925-1928.
Notes taken by Harry Mimno during physics courses at Harvard University. While most of the lecture notes are unidentified, some are labeled with a date, topic and speaker. Lecturers include Edwin C. Kemble, Edwin Hall, and Max Born.
Ph.D., (Harvard, 1932). Harvard instructor of physics (1929-1932), then assistant professor of physics.
Mimno, Harry Rowe, 1900-
Physics -- Study and teaching (Higher)
Lecture notes. aat
Born, Max, 1882-1970
Hall, Edwin Herbert, 1855-1938
Kemble, Edwin C. (Edwin Crawford). 1889-
Harvard University. Archives. Pusey Library. Cambridge, MA 02138, USA