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National Air and Space Museum. Space History Division
National Air and Space Museum Glennan-Webb-Seamans Project oral history interviews, 1985-1990.
The emphasis of this project is on NASA management practice during the Apollo program. A working assumption of this research effort was that administration and management in NASA were a means by which broad policy and political goals of the President and Congress were to be translated into specific technical achievements, such as landing men on the moon. Interviews include: Leland J. Atwood, Delmer Bradshaw, James R.Burnett, Paul Demitriades, Edward Doll, Peter Downey, Brian Duff, James Elms, James Fletcher, Robert Gilruth, T. Keith Glennan, Donald Jacobs, Ruben Mettler, Mark Miller, George Mueller, Samuel Phillips, Simon Ramo, Robert Seamans, Willis Shapley, Abe Silverstein, David Soergel, Harrison Storms, James Webb, Thorton A. Wilson, Herbert York.
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration -- Administration.
Space sciences -- Government policy.
Interviews. aat
Oral histories. aat aat
Apollo (Spacecraft).
Moon -- Exploration
Duff, B. G. (Brian G.) d. 1984.
Fletcher, James Chipman, 1919-1991
Gilruth, Robert R. (Robert Rowe), 1913-
Glennan, Thomas Keith, 1905-1995
Mettler, Ruben F., 1924-
Mueller, G. E. (George Edwin), 1918-
Phillips, Samuel C. (Samuel Cochrane), 1921-1990.
Ramo, Simon.
Seamans, Robert C.
Shapley, Willis H.
Storms, Harrison A.
Webb, James E. (James Edwin), 1906-1992
York, Herbert F. (Herbert Frank).
Collins, Martin J., 1951- interviewer.
Atwood, John Leland, 1904-
Bradshaw, Delmer.
Burnett, James R., 1925-
Demitriades, Paul.
Doll, Edward B., 1912-
Downey, Peter.
Elms, James C. (James Cornelius), 1916-
Jacobs, Donald Thomas, 1949-
Miller, Mark.
Silverstein, Abe, 1908-
Soergel, David.
Wilson, Thorton, Arnold, 1921-
Smithsonian Institution. National Air and Space Museum. Archives Division. MRC 322, Washington, DC, 20560, USA