Ross, Frank E. (Frank Elmore), 1874-1960
Frank Elmore Ross biographical materials, 1960 and 2012.
Biographical materials about the life and career of Frank Elmore Ross and includes an article by Wayne Osborn titled "Frank Elmore Ross and His Variable Star Discoveries," and three obituaries.
American astronomer and physicist; worked at Yerkes Observatory from 1924 to his retirement in 1939; worked on the calculation of the first reliable orbit of Saturn's moon Phoebe in 1905 and discovered 379 new variable stars.
Ross, Frank E. (Frank Elmore), 1874-1960
Variable stars
Biography files. aat
Osborn, Wayne, 1942-
American Institute of Physics. Niels Bohr Library & Archives. One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA