Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Physics Division
LBL Physics Division scientific papers of George Smoot, 1975-2007.
These records document George Smoot's work at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL), including his work on the Cosmic Background Radiation Experiment (COBE) for which Smoot won the nobel prize for physics in 2006. The collection documents Smoot's earlier work at LBL and documents the Astromag Flier, a project to place a pair of large superconducting magnets on a free flying satellite to study problems related to the origin of galactic cosmic rays.
The laboratory was founded as the University of California Radiation Laboratory in 1931 by Ernest Orlando Lawrence, a University of California Berkeley physicist who won the 1939 Nobel Prize in physics for his invention of the cyclotron, a circular particle accelerator that opened the door to high-energy physics. It is a United States Department of Energy National Laboratory, operated by the University of California. The name of the laboratory has evolved since its founding: Lawrence Radiation Laboratory (1931-1958), the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (1959-1995), and currently the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (1995-present).
George Smoot, Ph.D., physics (MIT, 1970). Professor, University of California Berkeley; cosmologist and astrophysicsist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (1970- ). In 2006, Smoot co-received the Nobel Prize for Physics along with John Mather for discoveries in cosmic microwave background radiation.
Smoot, George
Cosmic Background Explorer (Satellite)
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Physics Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Lawrence Radiation Laboratory.
Cosmic radiation background.
Superconducting magnets.
Smoot, George
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Lawrence Radiation Laboratory.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Archives and Records Office. One Cyclotron Road, Bldg. 69-107, MS: 69R0102, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.