Papers of physicists.
Collections in the Staatsbibliothek that relate to the history of physics and allied sciences include the papers of the following individuals: Richard Avenarius, 1843-1896 (philosophy); Felix Auerbach, 1856-1933 (physics); Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, 1784-1846 (astronomy); Max Born, 1882-1970 (physics); Carl Wilhelm Borchardt, 1817-1880 (physics); Gustav Lejaine Dirichlet, 1805-1859 (mathematics); Emil Du Bois-Reymond, 1818-1896 (physiology); Julius Elster (collection contains some letters from physicists); Paul Erman, 1764-1851 (physics); Kasimir Fajans, 1887-1975 (physics); Jean Henri Samuel Formay (physics); Gottlob Frege, 1848-1925 (math); Joseph von Fraunhofer, 1787-1826 (physics); Walter Glaser, 1906-1960 (physics); Karl Ludwig Hencke, 1793-1866 (astronomy); Erich Hueckel, 1896-1980 (physics); Alexander von Humboldt, 1769-1859 (natural history); Peter Paul Koch, 1879-1945 (physics); Alfred Lande, 1888- (physics); Otto Lilienthal, 1848-1896 (ingenier); Maupertuis, 1698-1759 (math); Hans Mahl, 1909- (physics); Bernhard Riemann, 1826-1866 (math); Ernst Ruska, 1906-1988 (physics); Johannes Stark, 1874-1957 (physics); Adolf carl Heinrich Slabyy, 1849-1913 (radiotechnology); Hermann Schwartz, 1843-1921 (math); Wilhelm Tempel, 1821-1829 (astronomy); Barnaba Tortolini, 1808-1874 (math); Emil Warburg, 1846-1931 (physics); Wilhelm Wien, 1864-1928 (physics); and Maja Winteler, 1881-1951 (Einstein's sister).
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Preussischer Kulturbesitz. Potsdamer Strasse, Postfach 1107, W-1000, Berlin 30, Germany