European Organization for Nuclear Research.
CERN records.
CERN has records similar to those of other high-energy-particle-physics laboratories of an international character. The collection of the CERN Archives includes records of CERN's Council, Committee of Council, Finance Committee, and Science Policy Committee, as well as its Experiments Committees. Files of selected experiments, of ad hoc committees and of some senior physicists as well as a small collection of tapes of interviews with physicists are also deposited in the CERN Archives. A large collection of photographs has still to be cataloged by the Service concerned. Many of these files have been identified on site but not yet transferred to the CERN Archives. CERN also holds the private collection of scientific books, reprints, correspondence, and manuscripts of the late Wolfgang Pauli.
Widely known as CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (Organization europňne pour la recherche nucläire), was established in Geneva, Switzerland in 1954 to co-ordinate and perform research on fundamental particles. The member states are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, West Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
Pauli, Wolfgang, 1900-1958
Pauli, Wolfgang, 1900-1958
European Organization for Nuclear Research -- Archives.
European Organization for Nuclear Research.
European Organization for Nuclear Research Council. Committee of Council.
European Organization for Nuclear Research. Council.
European Organization for Nuclear Research. Experiments Committees.
Organization europěnne pour la recherche nuclǎire.
Experiments -- International cooperation.
Group work in research -- International cooperation.
Hot laboratories (Radioactive substances) -- Research.
Nuclear energy -- Research -- Laboratories.
Nuclear facilities -- Switzerland -- Geneva.
Nuclear physics -- Societies, etc. -- Europe.
Nuclear physics -- International cooperation -- Austria.
Nuclear physics -- International cooperation -- Belgium.
Nuclear physics -- International cooperation -- Denmark.
Nuclear physics -- International cooperation -- France.
Nuclear physics -- International cooperation -- Great Britain.
Nuclear physics -- International cooperation -- Greece.
Nuclear physics -- International cooperation -- Italy.
Nuclear physics -- International cooperation -- Norway.
Nuclear physics -- International cooperation -- Spain.
Nuclear physics -- International cooperation -- Switzerland.
Nuclear physics -- International cooperation -- West Germany.
Nuclear physics -- Research.
Particles (Nuclear physics) -- Experiments.
Particles (Nuclear physics) -- Research. aip
Physical laboratories -- Switzerland -- Geneva.
Physicists -- Correspondence.
Physicists -- Interviews.
Physics -- International cooperation.
Science -- International cooperation.
Sound recordings lcgft
Books. aat
Oral histories. aat aat
Photograph collections. aat
Reports. aat
Reprints. aat
CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Scientific Information Service. CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland