Pipkin, Francis M.
Papers relating to the CLEO Experiment and the Origins of the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR).
He has kept his incoming and outgoing correspondence, which may shed light on how other physicists from outside viewed Cornell's proposal.
Pipkin collaborated with Cornell physicists on experiments on the 12 GeV synchrotron that became the injector for the collider and was a strong supporter of the Cornell proposal to build a colliding beams accelerator.
Cornell University -- Research.
Group work in physics -- Research.
Communication in physics.
Communication in science.
Nuclear energy -- Research -- Laboratories.
Nuclear physics -- Research -- United States.
Physicists -- Correspondence.
Storage rings -- History.
Synchrotrons -- United States -- New York -- Ithaca.
University cooperation.
Physicists. lcsh
CESR (Storage ring) -- History.
Cornell University. CLEO Experiment -- Documentation.
Harvard University.
In the possession of Frank Pipkin at Harvard University. Cambridge, MA 02178, USA