Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. Research Division. Group C.
SLAC Research Division Group C administrative records, 1961-1979.
Technical memoranda, reports, meeting minutes, and supporting subject files. Records include group subject files regarding early storage ring development (1961-1965), storage ring detection, injection and beam transport; "SPEAR history" files (1962-1969); Group A and C research programs and facilities files; SPEAR photographs; SPEAR meeting minutes (1969-1971); SPEAR Reports (series I, #1-43, and series II, #100-183) with index (1969-1981); Group C Notes; reprints regarding historic colliding beam develop- ment at other laboratories and electron-ring accelerators; Proposals for SP1, SP2, SP-28, and SP-29.
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center's (SLAC) Research Division supports strong in-house research teams of physicists, engineers and support staff arranged by "groups." Initially, groups focussed their interest on particular physics topics and developed particular detectors. During the 1960s and early 1970s, Group C developed colliding beam technology and the Mark I detector in support of a number of experiments that found great success at the Stanford Positron Electron Assymetric Ring (SPEAR) facility.
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center -- History.
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center -- Research.
Collisions (Nuclear physics) -- Technological innovations.
Communication in physics.
Detectors -- Technological innovations.
Elementary particles -- Research.
Group work in research.
Hot laboratories -- Research.
Hot laboratories -- United States -- California -- Stanford.
Nuclear energy -- Research -- Laboratories.
Nuclear facilities -- United States -- California -- Stanford.
Particle accelerators -- History.
Particle accelerators -- Research -- Documentation.
Particle beams, colliding -- Experiments.
Particle beams, colliding -- Technological innovations -- History.
Physical laboratories.
Storage rings -- Design and construction.
Indexes. aat aat
Memorandums. aat
Minutes. aat
Proposals. aat
Reports. aat
Reprints. aat
Technical reports. aat
Colliding beams -- Experiments.
slc detectors. phys-t
SPEAR -- History. phys-t
SPEAR -- Photographs. phys-t
Stanford linear collider. phys-t
Mark I (Radiation detector)
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). National Accelerator Laboratory. Archives and History Office. 2575 Sand Hill Road, MS 97, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA