University of Nevada System. Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics
University of Nevada, Reno Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics records, 1962-1969.
The Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics records include announcements and brochures, Nevada Atmospheric Research Project interim reports, proposal for the Bureau of Reclamation, progress reports, final reports, project reports, Project Skywater interim report, and project and technical reports.
The University of Nevada, Reno's Laboratory of atmospheric physics is part of the Atmospheric sciences graduate program where students pursue topic areas such as dynamic meteorology, atmospheric physics, mesoscale modeling, fire weather and climate, atmospheric chemistry and instrument development.
University of Nevada System. Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics
Atmospheric physics
Atmospheric physics -- Research.
Project Skywater
Announcements. aat
Brochures. aat
Progress reports. aat
Technical reports. aat
University of Nevada, Reno. Library. Special Collections Dept., Reno, NV 89557, USA.