Kroll, Norman Myles 1922-
Oral history interview with Norman M. Kroll, 1987 March 29.
In this interview Norman Kroll discusses his career, particularly his work with magnetrons. Topics discussed include: rising sun magnetron; Columbia Radiation Lab; I. I. Rabi, Willis Lamb; Arnold Nordsieck; field theory; Otto Halpern; double Compton effect; Ernest Rutherford; Shelter Island conference; Lamb shift; Hans Bethe; J. Robert Oppenheimer; Saul Epstein; Hal Lewis; Sid Dancoff; Julian Schwinger; Richard Feynman; Freeman Dyson; Institute for Advanced Study; masers; Charles Hard Townes; Hans Motz. International Business Machines Corporation; Institute for Defense Analyses; N. Bloembergen; Project Seesaw; Chan Joshi.
American theoretical physicist. Ph.D. physics, Columbia University (1948). Professional experience includes: National Research Council fellow, Institute for Advanced Study (1948-1950); staff member, assistant professor, professor of physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Radiation Lab (1943-1962); staff member, JASON division, Institute for Defense Anslyses (1960-1981); professor, department chairman, emeritus professor of physics, University of California, San Diego (1962-). Research focused on quantum electrodynamics.
Bethe, Hans A. (Hans Albrecht), 1906-2005
Bloembergen, N.
Dancoff, Sidney M., 1913-1951
Dyson, Freeman J.
Epstein, Saul T.
Feynman, Richard P. (Richard Phillips), 1918-1988
Halpern, Otto, 1899-
Joshi, Chan (Chandrasekhar).
Kroll, Norman Myles 1922-
Lamb, Willis E. (Willis Eugene), 1913-2008
Lewis, H. W. (Harold Warren)
Motz, H. (Hans), d. 1987
Nordsieck, Arnold T.
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 1904-1967
Rabi, I. I. (Isidor Isaac), 1898-1988
Rutherford, Ernest, 1871-1937
Schwinger, Julian, 1918-1994.
Townes, Charles H.
Columbia Radiation Laboratory (Columbia University)
Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton, N.J.)
Institute for Defense Analyses
International Business Machines Corporation
Shelter Island Conferences.
Compton effect.
Field theory (Physics)
Lamb shift.
Lasers -- History.
Lasers -- Research.
Project SEESAW.
Interviews. aat
Oral histories. aat
Transcripts. aat
Bromberg, Joan Lisa, interviewer.
American Institute of Physics. Niels Bohr Library & Archives. One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA