American Institute of Physics.
American Institute of Physics 75th anniversary symposium and convocation [webcasts], 2006.
Unedited recordings of the two sessions of the AIP 75th Anniversary celebration: "Diverse Frontiers of Science Symposium (held at the Cosmos Club, Washington, DC, May 3, 2006), and "AIP Convocation of Member Society Editors on the History and Future of Society Journals" (held at the American Center for Physics, College Park, MD, May 4, 2006). The webcasts were presented live over the Internet, and these recordings were made during that live broadcast. Speakers include: Angela Belcher, Philip H. Bucksbaum, Steven Chu, Ralph J. Cicerone, Marvin L. Cohen, Lawrence A. Crum, Jim (S. James) Gates, Paul Ginsparg, Evelyn L. Hu, Raymond Jeanloz, Heather Joseph, Michael Kurtz, Shirley Malcolm, John H. Marburger, III, Martin Rees, Bernard Rous, and Spencer R. Weart.
The American Institute of Physics (AIP) is a not-for-profit membership corporation chartered in New York State in 1931 for the purpose of promoting the advancement and diffusion of the knowledge of physics and its application to human welfare. Its members are leading societies in the fields of physics and astronomy, and its activities include providing services to its member societies in publishing, finance, and education.
American Institute of Physics.
American Institute of Physics -- Anniversaries, etc.
Physics -- Societies, etc.
Physics -- Publishing.
Video recordings. aat
Belcher, Angela
Bucksbaum, Philip H.
Chu, Steven
Cicerone, Ralph J.
Cohen, Marvin L.
Crum, Lawrence A.
Gates, S. James (Sylvester James)
Ginsparg, P. (Paul)
Hu, Evelyn L.
Jeanloz, R. (Raymond)
Joseph, Heather
Kurtz, Michael J., 1949-
Malcolm, Shirley
Marburger, John H. III (John Harmen) 1941-2011
Rees, Martin J., 1942-
Rous, Bernard
Weart, Spencer R., 1942-
American Institute of Physics. Niels Bohr Library & Archives. One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA