Thomson, Elihu, 1853-1937.
Elihu Thomson papers, undated.
Includes letters, speeches, many photographs (mostly of equipment), technical reports. Also includes histories of the Thomson-Houston Co. and early GE up to ca. 1937.
Thomson joined the staff of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a lecturer in the Department of Electrical Engineering in 1894, served as Acting President of the Institute, 1920-1922, and was a member of the MIT Corporation for many years. He was an inventor who held nearly 700 patents, many of which were central to the development of the electrical industry. He was also director of engineering and research at the General Electric Company.
General Electric Company -- History.
Photographs. aat
Speeches. aat
Technical reports. aat
Museum of Innovation and Science (Schenectady). 15 Nott Terrace Heights, Schenectady, NY 12308, USA