Priestley, Herbert.
Faculty Series: Herbert Priestley.
Collected correspondence concerning the Physics Dept. at Knox College. Newspaper clippings and press releases about speaking engagements. Collected manuscripts of speeches and publications. Information on the "Harvard Project Physics" in which Priestly participated during the year 1967-1968.
Priestly (1913-). B. Sc. 1933; Ph. D. 1935: University of Leeds, England. Professor of Physics at Knox College from 1952-1982. Chairman of Physics Dept., Ripon College, 1946-1952.
Physics -- Research.
Clippings. aat aat aat
Press releases. aat
Publications. aat
Speeches. aat
Physicists. lcsh
Harvard College.
Knox College. Physics Department.
Knox College. Special Collections and Archives. Galesburg, IL 61401, USA